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Title: | 中小企業在LED照明市場顧客關係管理策略之研究-以T公司為例 A Study on Strategies of Customer Relationship Management in Small businesses of LED Lighting Industry - An example of T-Company |
Authors: | 林偉人 |
Contributors: | 季延平 林偉人 |
Keywords: | 顧客關係管理 核心顧客管理 顧問式銷售管理 |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-02-01 16:50:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來,隨著台灣燈具照明最大輸出國「美國」經濟的委靡不振,使得市場嚴重萎縮,再者,中國與東南亞廉價勞力的作用下,也讓燈具產業製造廠大量外移,種種大環境的不利因素,無疑對燈具出口值雪上加霜。然而,幸運地是在全球環保意識大幅提升下,各國紛紛倡導綠能生活,因此顧客對燈具照明之需求已從白熾燈轉為具節能減碳效果之LED光源,加上台灣經濟部推出「五八五白熾燈汰換計劃」更是為本研究個案公司創造新的轉型契機。
有鑑於此,本研究個案公司利用個案公司中小企業特性,在資源有限的前提下,推廣顧客關係管理的過程。首先,運用Barrett(1986)提出80/20法則定律的行銷手法,搭配Zeithaml et al.(2001)將顧客分成四階層之「顧客金字塔」模型,尋求金字塔頂端的1%顧客創造企業99%的營收。接著,再透過Cheverton(2001)識別與選擇矩陣分類個案公司之顧客等級,藉由「顧客吸引力」與「相對優勢」雙軸之交叉找尋出真正的核心顧客。最後,依據上述個案公司所定義出之核心顧客,進行Hanan(2011)顧問式銷售的七大流程,並導入Rackham(2004)提出的SPIN理論,以顛覆傳統行銷的推式策略改為拉式策略,達到真正「以顧客為中心」之服務理念。 The export to the USA that has played an important role in supporting the Taiwanese lighting industry has been impacted seriously by the worst American economy in these years. Meanwhile, it has also brought about shrinking LED lighting market sales badly in the USA. Moreover, low cost labors from China and Eastern Asia have forced the Taiwanese lighting industry to move abroad. Because of these disadvantage factors, the total values of export in the Taiwanese lighting products have been plummeting than ever. However, the concept of green life has been prevailing all around the world; therefore, each country has promoted and launched green life gradually. Consequently, customer demands for lighting equipment have changed to the LED lighting which could decrease emission of carbon compared with the white lighting. In addition, the best turning point for the company in the case study to transform is that Taiwanese Ministry of Economic Affairs launched a project for replacing white lighting.
As mentioned above, the company in the discussion aimed to seize a new position and set up the direction of operation under the trend of green life. Moreover, the transformation of customer demands would inspire T-Company to execute the customer relationship management as a brand-new mission. It created a new module of focusing on key account management. In order to gain key customer loyalty permanently and understand particularly one percent of the top of the customers, T-company developed a consultative selling skill to provide appropriate solutions and created a pull marketing strategy to enhance customer values maximum. Both of those crucial methods not only built up the collaboration between T-company and customers firmly, but also have T-company to wear customer shoes to reach win-win situations.
The company in the discussion which is classified as small and medium-size enterprises is restricted by limited resources; therefore, paper aimed to probe how this kind of company could guide into the customer relationship management to maintain long-term relationship. Firstly, the paper applied the theory of 80/20 rule and the customer pyramid proposed by Barrett in 1986 and Zeithaml et al. in 2001 respectively, creating and serving profitable customers. Secondly, T-company used the theory of investments and returns from the customer portfolio, the two axes of the identification and selection matrix are customer alternativeness and relative strength, segmenting the key account (Cheverton, 2001). Finally, in order to highlight the concept of customer service, T-company should promote 7 steps of consultative selling and SPIN theory to create the pull strategy that subverts the traditional marketing model. |
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