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    Title: 普通單字在特殊文類的呈現:針對商業年報語言詞塊之語料庫研究
    General lexis in specialized genre: a corpus study on formulaic language in business reports
    Authors: 陳俊宏
    Chen, Chun Hung
    Contributors: 張郇慧
    Chang, Claire H. H.
    Chen, Chun Hung
    Keywords: 專業英語教學
    English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
    English for Business Purpose (EBP)
    formulaic language
    real content
    syntagmatic variation
    paradigmatic variation
    genre analysis
    Date: 2012
    Issue Date: 2013-02-01 16:47:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 對專業英語教學而言,如何擇取語言教學內容,是一項相當重要的工作。學界一般建議專業英語教學教師,以與專業科目教師協同合作的方式,來共同協商出語言教學內容。但此協同方式的運作,往往受限於教學資源及教師之間對何謂知識的認知差距,常常窒礙難行。本研究即著力於探討語料庫方法運用在擇取專業英語教學內容的實際操作,期盼能提供一套有效的解決方案。


    This study aims to apply corpus method on filtering out language content for ESP course. Following Dudley-Evans and St John’s (1998) idea of real content, this thesis focuses on locating general lexis from different genres.

    For this study, general lexis is viewed as common words and formulaic language composed with common words. In this project, common words are extracted from a homemade Business Reports Corpus (BRC) with reference to Senior High English Wordlist for Reference (SHEWR) [高中英文參考詞彙表] and Chinese–English Translation of Important Accounting Terms [重要會計用語中英對照] in Taiwan, also with notions of corpus linguistics including keyness and text coverage. Then with number of extracted common words being compared to the total amount of SHEWR, practicality of SHEWR applied in business genre is measured and a subset word bank of SHEWR is identified to link instruction of English of General Purpose to that of English of Specific Purposes in the context of Taiwan.

    Secondly, formulaic language is regarded as multi-word units composed with previously extracted common words. Instead of Mutual Information, t-score, or lexical bundles, Danielsson’s (2007) method of cumulative frequency is adopted to locate formulaic language. Cross-genre analyses on formulaic language identified from BRC, Subdivision A of Brown Corpus (texts of reportage) and Subdivision H of Brown Corpus (official documents) are conducted to verify whether composition of formulaic language is correlated with types of genre, which may affect description of phraseology as well as practice of the English teaching method Lexical Approach (Lewis, 2000).

    This thesis has successfully demonstrated that the corpus method is a handy and efficient approach for ESP practitioners to sort out language content for instruction. One by-product of this study is that the difficulty level (as designated in SHEWR) of extracted common words is attached to allow further investigation together with data of text coverage and overall frequency.
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