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Title: | 比利時多元文化主義發展之研究 A study on Belgium’s Multiculturalism |
Authors: | 黃鳳儀 Huang, Feng Yi |
Contributors: | 張台麟 Chang, Tai Lin 黃鳳儀 Huang, Feng Yi |
Keywords: | 多元文化主義 比利時語言政策 多元族群 multiculturalism Belgium’s language policy diverse ethnic groups |
Date: | 2012 |
Issue Date: | 2013-01-02 13:25:08 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著世界地球村的概念發展,各國家族群間的文化也漸趨多元,而多元文化主義的興起,主要就是為解決一國之內多元族群間的文化差異造成的問題。近年在英國、挪威、法國發生了幾起相關的社會事件;在瑞士也出現過禁蓋伊斯蘭教宣禮塔的新聞;而法國、比利時則有禁戴伊斯蘭面紗的法案。因此多元文化主義的實行方向在歐洲又重新引起軒然大波,歐洲各國也紛紛開始檢視國內多元文化主義政策及未來發展。 本研究探討比利時政府在面對境內不同語區的文化迥異時,如何推動多元文化主義政策。研究中介紹比利時多元文化主義政策之各基礎面向、分析雙語族群間的歧異點,並藉由禁戴伊斯蘭面紗法案來探討比利時對待國內少數族群的態度。以上述層面來總結比利時多元文化主義發展及挑戰,希冀本研究提供臺灣在面對本土、新移民等文化融合時可做為參考、借鏡。 With the development of the concept of “global village” , the cultures within the nation have become diverse, and the rise of “multiculturalism” is to solve the problem of cultural differences in the multi-ethnic states. In recent years, the social events in the United Kingdom, Norway, and in Switzerland, there is the ban of the mosque minaret; also in France, Belgium there is the ban of “burka”. Since the implementation of multiculturalism again caused an uproar in Europe, european countries have also begun to review the policy of multiculturalism and its future development. This study examines how Belgian government promotes the policy of multiculturalism when facing the cultural differences between the two linguistic areas. It introduces Belgium’s policies of multiculturalism and the discrepancy points among the bilingual populations, and examines how Belgium confronts domestic minorities through the burka ban act. By summarizing the developments and challenges from the above mentioned, hope this study can provide a reference for Taiwan in the face of cultural integration. |
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