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Title: | 台灣小城鎮加入慢城組織推動策略之研究 Taiwan`s small cities and towns to join the slow city organizations to promote the study of strategy |
Authors: | 黃冠程 |
Contributors: | 白仁德 黃冠程 |
Keywords: | 慢城 模糊德爾菲法 層級分析法 |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-12-03 11:28:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 慢城於1999年崛起於義大利,主要是為了因應全球化浪潮下對歐洲小農經濟衝擊所形成的一個新型態的規劃模式。其目的主要是在保護地方文化與傳統的基礎上,創造出永續成長的力量,透過地方微型經濟的復興與替代能源的使用等多種方式,在不改變生活節奏的狀況下促進地方的發展。現在已有24國142個城市加入慢城組織,這股風潮與模式值得我國參考。本研究以慢城指標為主,應用模糊德爾菲與層級分析法專家問卷建立一套適合台灣慢城指標,並以新竹縣北埔鄉、南投縣集集鎮、高雄市美濃區、花蓮縣壽豐鄉為實證地區,經計算後以南投縣集集鎮績效值最高,為較適合發展慢城的地區。 Cittaslow(Slow city) was launched in 1999 in Italy, mainly to counter the tide of globalization under the impact of the European small-formed a new type of planning model. The main purpose is to protect local culture and traditions, based on the power to create sustainable growth through the revival of the local micro-economy and alternative energy, use of a variety of ways, without changing the rhythm of life, under conditions to promote local development. Now has 142 cities in 24 countries to join Cittaslow Organization, and this trend, and the model is worthy of our reference. In this study, the Cittaslow index-based, application of fuzzy Delphi and AHP process to establish a suitable Cittaslow index, and Hsinchu County Beipu Township, Nantou County Chichi Township, Kaohsiung Mino District, Hualien County, Shou-Feng,empirical region, calculated with the highest performance value of the Chichi Township, Nantou County, is more suited to development of the Cittaslow Key words: Cittaslow、urban planning、Fuzzy Delphi Method、AHP Method |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政研究所 97923004 100 |
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