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    Title: 野性的媒介創業者:台灣有線電視系統先驅者口述傳記研究
    The Savage in Media Entrepreneur: The Oral Biographical Reconstruction of Cable Television Pioneers in Taiwan
    Authors: 張煜麟
    Chang, Yu Lin
    Contributors: 陳百齡
    Chen, Pai Lin
    Chang, Yu Lin
    Keywords: 媒介創業

    Media Entrepreneurship
    Cable Television
    Oral Biographical Method
    Communication History
    Entrepreneurial Agency
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-12-03 11:18:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究擬從經濟社會學和創業研究等觀點,對台灣有線電視系統先驅者所進行的媒介創業行動進行考察,嘗試說明早期有線電視系統業者媒介創業行動的行動邏輯,以及揭露其創業行動邏輯的社會根源。
    This study aims to investigates media entrepreneurial phenomenon which caused by the rise of new communication technology by the viewpoints of economic sociology and entrepreneurship. Based on the unfolding of the oral biography from the cable television pioneers in Taiwan, this study illustrates the action logics of social exchange about media entrepreneurial activities in Taiwan.

    Discussed on the contemporary communication phenomenon, entrepreneurship theories and economic sociology theory, this study illustrating the meaning of media entrepreneurship in history, figuring out the overview of media entrepreneurship study, describing the view of ‘media workers as media entrepreneurs’, discussing the meaning and types of ‘media entrepreneurs’, identifying three theoretical dimensions in media entrepreneurial processes, and summarizing the framework of analyzing the media entrepreneurial processes by using the concepts from cultural capitals, social capitals, and symbolic capitals.

    According to the work of structural analysis of narration, case reconstruction, and concept crystallization, this study finds: ‘the function of technical agency’, ‘the intermediary of entrepreneurial emotion’, ‘the application of Pao from social codes’, and ‘the project of self esteem and belonging ’ are the core meaning structures about the action logics of Taiwan Cable Television pioneers.

    About the problems on social origins of the media entrepreneurial process in Taiwan Cable Television pioneers, this study also finds: ‘the ontology of emotion’, ‘the rules of cultural Yi-Chi disposition’, and ‘the spirit of craftsmanship’ are the social origins from local culture in Taiwan.

    In conclusion, this study points out that these pioneers afford the improvisation for the potential of communication technology, and they can domesticate the wildness of new media technology. Further, they can perform the innovation and creative power to encounter the technology-market uncertainty, and overcome the regulation from government.

    Finally, this study name there pioneers in Taiwan Cable Television as the ‘Savage in media entrepreneur’, they possess the strong entrepreneurial agency, and they can build the new media ecology for future.
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