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Title: | 21世紀中國陸地邊境安全維護之認知、實踐與全球化挑戰---中俄、中印、中寮邊界管理建制發展與武力使用研究 |
Other Titles: | China`s Perception and Practice of Maintaining Land Border Security and the Challenge from Globalization---Study on Border Management of Sino-Indian, Sino-Russian, and Sino-Laotian Borders and the Use of Force |
Authors: | 張雅君 |
Contributors: | 行政院國家科學委員會 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心 |
Keywords: | 邊境安全;邊界;邊界管理;國際建制;安全合作;武力;全球化 Border Security;Boundary;Border Management;International Regime;Security;Force;Globalization |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2012-11-30 15:08:12 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 除中印邊境領土爭議外,當前中國與周邊國家百分之九十以上領土爭議業已獲得解決,然而邊界領土爭議的解決並不等同於邊境安全。從結構現實主義(Structrual Realism)觀點,邊境、邊界意味權力、安全與勢力範圍,邊境安全因此具有敏感性和複雜性,武力因此具有重要作用。不過,從國際關係理想主義觀點,以管理取代控制的認知,以及完善有效的建制發展,較諸武力更可使邊境更靈活,既能有效維護安全,又可以不妨礙人民自由來往,此也符合全球化趨勢。本項計劃主要目的之一是從比較中俄、中印、中寮的邊界管理建制發展來探索中國在陸地邊境維護認知上是否從控制轉向管理,在實踐上是否改變對武力之單一依賴,轉而以制度與合作模式來維護邊境安全,之二是基於全球化發展趨勢,中國必須讓邊界相對開放,以促進邊境貿易,但如何因應全球化所衍生之非傳統安全威脅,如走私、毒品泛濫、以及恐怖主義、分離主義分子的越界滲透。本項計劃主要研究方法一是比較研究法,除比較中國與不同周邊國家邊境安全維護之異同外,也將從歐盟,北美邊境安全維護模式來觀察亞太地區邊界管理建制發展問題,二是以國際建制 (international regime) 理論來探討一向重視權力與安全的中國在建立邊界管理建制過程中的認知與實踐。次要研究方法為歷史、文獻研究,建構主義研究途徑以及實地訪談。本項計劃為兩年期,第一年執行部分為:與邊境安全相關理論研究與文獻整理,中國與俄羅斯、印度、寮國三國的邊界領土爭議和解決的歷史發展,邊界管理機制發展、相關機構運作及問題,武力角色;第二年執行的部分為全球化發展下,中俄、中印、中寮邊境貿易發展,邊界管理建制所面對的非傳統安全威脅挑戰,中國與三國的對應策略,以及武力作用的總結探討。預期本項計劃有助於彌補亞太地區陸地邊境安全研究的不足,同時驗證中國是否真能落實和平發展外交。 Today PRC has pretty much settled border disputes with its neighbors except with India. Yet that border settlement does not mean border security. From the perspective of structural realism, border means power, security and demarcation of sphere of influence. Therefore border security is sensitive and complicated and more so as armed force plays a significant role in its maintenance, or control. However, from idealist school’s point of view, perception of management replaces that of control, and effective regime would be more flexible in maintaining security and affording inter-crossing of people than enforcement with force. This idealist view reflects globalization trend. The first objective of this study is to inspect whether PRC’s perception of border security is transformed from “control” to ”management” by comparing the development of border management regime along Sino/Indian, Sino/Russian, and Sino/Laotian borders. It also discusses whether PRC has shifted in practice from reliance on armed forces to more reliance on cooperation and institution for border security. The second objective is to see how PRC deals with non-conventional security threats such as smuggling, drug trafficking, and infiltration of terrorism and separatism that derive from globalization that renders opening of border necessary. Primary methodology of this study consists of two parts. One is comparative study that treats different PRC’s border security measures. It also discusses EU and US experiences for external comparison. The other part is application of “international regime” theory for a better understanding of border management of China that has a tradition real-politics. Secondary methodology consists of historical and archival research, constructivist approach, and field interview as well. This study covers 2 years. In the 1st year we will compile theoretical development and literature of China’s experiences with Russia, India and Lao, border management, operation of related institutes, and role of armed forces. The 2nd year will discuss trade development across those borders, management regime and non-conventional threats. This study could contribute to academic research on Asia-Pacific border security, and would serve to test whether China’s diplomacy of peaceful development is genuine. |
Relation: | 基礎研究 學術補助 研究期間:9808~ 9907 研究經費:344仟元 |
Data Type: | report |
Appears in Collections: | [國際關係研究中心] 國科會研究計畫
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