摘要: | 近年來學校創新經營研究備受重視,很多學校以校園空間營造帶動學校的創新發展,正是一種空間領導。進言之,空間領導(space leadership)係指領導者透過規劃與運用學校設施,以建構學校多方面具有影響力的環境,引領學校空間和教育發展之歷程。此概念已於政府相關政策中逐漸發酵,但卻往往被忽視,缺少理念之論述。故本研究欲以Tanner和Lackney的「發展教育設施的程序模式(A procedural for developing educational facilities)」檢核學校實施空間領導的程序,分析發展學校設施的前提及「專門知識」與「投入」分別與領導歷程的互動關係。希冀藉此模型驗證之成果,作為空間領導研究之濫觴,成為政府制訂教育政策及學校規劃環境空間的遵循方向。本研究以「永續校園推廣計畫」、「Innoschool全國學校經營創新獎(校園環境美化組)」、「臺北市優質學校評選(校園營造向度)」以及「活化校園閒置空間總體計畫」歷屆臺北縣市國民中小學獲獎與受補助學校為研究對象。並以文件分析法分析各政策及各校參獎資料;利用問卷調查法瞭解各校空間領導之歷程及領導者對空間領導之態度;再透過訪談法深入瞭解教育當局與各校在空間領導策略與方式之運用,及可能遭遇的問題。盼以客觀角度呈現研究成果,並供未來相關領域之參考。 In recent years, school innovative management research has been given much importance. Countless schools have utilized the creation of school space as a means of innovative development, which is actually a sort of space leadership. Furthermore, space leadership through the school leaders’ planning and school space utilization strategies, helps structure the school to meet the demands of the diverse environment, thus, guides the development of the school’s space utilization and education program as well. This concept of space leadership is actually already imbedded in government related rationale, however, much of it are un-noticed due to lack of appropriate knowledge. This research is based on Tanner and Lackney’s “A procedural for developing educational facilities”, which is an evaluation procedure for space leadership, analyzing premises for developing school facilities and the concept of “expertise” and “involvement” in developing school space utilization, and their interaction with leadership processes. After successful testing of the theoretical model, results shall serve as a pioneer in space leadership research. In addition, the results will also serve as a guiding principle in future government policy formulations with regards to school space utilization. Similarly, this research uses “Sustainable Campus Project”, “Innoschool- a country wide school innovation award program (school environmental beautification committee)”, “Taipei City Quality School Program (dimension of campus management)”, and “The overall plan of enliven and reuse of vacant school space” information, regarding Taipei City and Taipei County’s elementary and junior high schools whose been awarded with financial aids as participants. Documentary analysis to analyze relevant policies, questionnaire survey regarding the processes of school space leadership and the attitudes toward space leadership, interviews with both government and school officials’ problems encountered during the process of space leadership are adopted. Therefore, it is anticipated that this research can provide an objective point of view regarding the issues being discussed and suggestions for the future relevant fields. |