Abstract: | 繼2002年中國與東協簽訂「全面經濟合作架構協定」(Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between ASEAN and China)後,中國積極推動與東協各國之夥伴關係,鼓勵工商界、學術界和各種民間團體共同參與。對東亞經濟共同體而言,東協加一(中)、加三(中、日、韓),甚至中日韓三國與東協各國之間等不同形式的結合,都是東亞經濟共同體能否建立的關鍵,值得台灣密切注意。目前這些國家之合作機制,最初以經濟貿易為重點,而後逐漸朝向政治、安全、文化等領域拓展。一旦東協十國加三的東亞自由貿易區(Free Trade Area, FTA)形成,此一地區在全球政治、經濟等領域,將與北美、歐盟等地形成三足鼎立之勢。至於中國也將藉由爭取東亞合作主導權,在世界政經舞台上扮演舉足輕重的角色。尤其中國在2002年初完成加入世界貿易組織(WTO)成為正式會員後,在中國—東盟《服務貿易協定》框架下,中國高等教育的具體服務承諾為何?在推動與東盟國家的高等學歷認證工作,如與泰國和越南等國簽訂承認學歷協定外,還推行那些與東盟國家的高等學歷、學分互認制度?尤其在全球華語熱中,中國是如何透過孔子學院等對外輸出華語教學與文化交流?在招收東協國家的留學生中(尤其是廣西等鄰近東協省分之大學),是如何簽訂各校跨國合作備忘錄,建立大學師生互訪交流?甚至如何調整中國合作大學之外語授課與技職課程,以符合東協國家之需要。至於這些大學國際化與促進多邊人才流動的策略成效如何?中國和東協等國未來共同面臨的挑戰有那些?有鑑於此,本研究目的將探討中國與東協各國在高等教育與人才流動過程中所簽訂之協議與承諾。其次,將針對上述議題中之具體項目,透過若干中國之個案大學,對該校與各國大學間包括:人才培訓與流動的法令與政策,各大學的學歷、學制、課程與學分之轉換及承認,教師、研究生及大學生之交換協定、及人數發展等問題進行分析。第三,本研究將進一步評估中國與東協在上述議題之成效與挑戰。最後,檢討台灣在面對中國積極與東協建立高等教育交流與合作關係中,可能之因應策略。本研究將採取個案研究與比較研究法,透過相關之文獻與實地訪查,期能達成上述研究目標,並為本整合計畫提供中國與東協各國簽署之協定與交流之經驗。 Following the 2002, China and ASEAN signed a "Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation between ASEAN and China", China has actively promoted partnership with ASEAN countries in the business sector, academia and various non-governmental organizations.The formation of the East Asian Economic Community, including ASEAN plus one (China) or plus three (Chinese, Japanese and Korean), can be critical, deserves close attention in Taiwan. At present these countries were unionized out of economic and trade-focused, then gradually toward partnership of political security, as well of cultural exchanges. Once the ASEAN plus three has formed, the growing influence in regional political and economic power is expected to become the third-largest global competitor to the North America and the European Union. In particular, after China’s access to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in early 2002, the China-ASEAN Agreement on the trade services has been in operation, especially in higher education sector. Issues such as the implementation of those ASEAN`s higher academic qualifications, credits for mutual recognition system have been under debate around the globe, Through the Confucius Institute, Chinese studies, as well as the Asian students association and other export of the Chinese language and cultural exchange, China attempts to attract more ASEAN students to the neighboring Chinese universities such as from Guangxi and Yun-nan Province. The purpose of this study will explore China and ASEAN countries in higher education and signed agreements and commitments among talent flow process. Secondly, how these signed agreements have implemented through the training and mobility of students, the transfer of university`s academic qualifications, the academic re-structuring, the conversion and recognition of curriculum and credit units, teachers, and students of exchange protocol. Third, further assessment of effectiveness and challenges between China and ASEAN in these issues will be carried out. Finally, an overview of Taiwan in the face of communication and cooperation in higher education between China and ASEAN will hopefully result in possible strategies for future policy-making in dealing with ASEAN. The study will use some case studies and the relevant documentation and compare the pro and cons of higher education exchanges between China and ASEAN. |