Abstract: | 國際法上傳統結束敵對狀態的方式是「停火」﹙Cease-fire﹚、「休戰」「﹙Truce﹚、停戰」﹙Armistice﹚和「和平條約」(Peace Treaty)。不過冷戰結束後,「和平協議」(Peace Agreement)的重要性大增,目前已經是國際上結束內戰狀態的主要方式。本計畫目的是分析在國際法架構下的和平協議問題,除了介紹和平協議的概念、其在國際法上的地位、性質和發展趨勢外,並且分析冷戰結束後世界各地所簽署之重要和平協議個案,包括1993年及1995年以色列與巴勒斯坦所簽署的兩項奧斯陸協議、1995年波士尼亞赫塞哥維納的達頓協定,1998年北愛爾蘭的貝爾法斯特協議和北塞浦路斯的和平路徑安排,歸納整理出重要的原則,並說明一個和平協議締結時會面臨到的程序性問題和應當包含的重要條文內容,以便未來如有需要時參考。 This project is trying to analyze the theories and practices on peace agreements in international law. Although truce, cease-fire, armistice, and peace treaty are traditional methods to end internal or international armed conflicts, peace agreements have been widespread used to resolve civil wars since end of the Cold War. Briefly stated, my purposes in this study are, first, to understand what is peace agreement and, second, to assess the current practices on peace agreement, and in so doing, drawing some experiences on formulating a proposed peace agreement in the light of the dynamics of the current trend and cross-straits relations. Part I will provide background on this subject. While Part II will introduce how the traditional ways to reach a cessation of hostilities, part III will review nature, function and developments of peace agreements on resolving international or internal armed conflicts. Then, Part IV will study the landmark cases on peace agreement such as Interim Agreement on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina (Dayton Agreement), and The Agreement reached in the multi-party negotiations, Belfast Agreement. Typical articles in peace agreements will be reviewed in Part V, and I shall discuss some important issues, such as cessation of hostilities, demarcation lines, supervisory machinery, enter into force, etc in the same part. Finally, generally conclusions derived from the developments in Part II to Part V will follow with emphasize on issues relating to the Cross-Strait relations. |