Abstract: | 巴別爾(Исаак Бабель, 1894 – 1940或1941)出生在俄國南方城市奧德薩。奧德薩不僅俄國歷史與文化中扮演特殊角色,在文學上更是人才輩出,形成俄國文學中所謂的「奧德薩學派」(Odessa School),其中又以巴別爾最受注目。作家出身猶太家庭,在《奧德薩故事集》等「奧德薩文本」中書寫自己的家鄉,並形塑當地猶太人的生活樣貌及性格。此一民族在俄羅斯的命運,也表現在短篇小說集《紅色騎兵軍》與劇作《日落》、《瑪麗雅》,以及電影劇本《別尼亞.克里克》、《迷失的星辰》當中。本計畫將從「主體」議題出發,運用認同理論及衝突理論,再以俄國文學、哲學當中的猶太論述為基礎,探討猶太人這一流離顛沛的民族在俄羅斯經歷的各種歷史事實,以及巴別爾如何在創作中所探討的猶太性及身份認同等問題。 Isaak Babel was born in the southern city of Russia Odessa. This city is not only very important in the history and culture of Russia, but also a place for developing the “Odessa School”, in which Babel is the most important one. Babel is a Jew. He distributed his “Odessa text” to his hometown and tried to describe the image and life of Jews. The destiny of this nation is also reflected in Red Cavalry, Sundown, Marya, also the Film Novels Benia Krik and The Stars Losted. The research object of this project is the Jewish theme in Babel’s work. We’re going to analyze the problem of identity in Babel’s works and life, basing on Lacan’s discourse about “subjectivity”, identity theory, conflict theory, and also the discourse of Russian writers and philosopher on the jewish question, 巴別爾(Исаак Бабель, 1894 – 1940或1941)出生在俄國南方城市奧德薩。奧德薩 不僅俄國歷史與文化中扮演特殊角色,在文學上更是人才輩出,形成俄國文學中所謂的 「奧德薩學派」(Odessa School),其中又以巴別爾最受注目。 作家出身猶太家庭,在《奧德薩故事集》等「奧德薩文本」中書寫自己的家鄉,並 形塑當地猶太人的生活樣貌及性格。此一民族在俄羅斯的命運,也表現在短篇小說集《紅 色騎兵軍》與劇作《日落》、《瑪麗雅》,以及電影劇本《別尼亞.克里克》、《迷失的星 辰》當中。 本計畫將從「主體」議題出發,運用認同理論及衝突理論,再以俄國文學、哲學當 中的猶太論述為基礎,探討猶太人這一流離顛沛的民族在俄羅斯經歷的各種歷史事實, 以及巴別爾如何在創作中所探討的猶太性及身份認同等問題。 Isaak Babel was born in the southern city of Russia Odessa. This city is not only very important in the history and culture of Russia, but also a place for developing the “Odessa School”, in which Babel is the most important one. Babel is a Jew. He distributed his “Odessa text” to his hometown and tried to describe the image and life of Jews. The destiny of this nation is also reflected in Red Cavalry, Sundown, Marya, also the Film Novels Benia Krik and The Stars Losted. The research object of this project is the Jewish theme in Babel’s work. We’re going to analyze the problem of identity in Babel’s works and life, basing on Lacan’s discourse about “subjectivity”, identity theory, conflict theory, and also the discourse of Russian writers and philosopher on the jewish question, |