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    Title: 類別學習中多重系統觀點之檢驗:行為實驗與心理計量取向 (I)
    Other Titles: Examination of Multiple Systems VI Ew in Category Learning: Experimental and Psychometrical Approach
    Authors: 楊立行;蔡介立
    Contributors: 國立政治大學心理學系
    Keywords: 多重學習系統;類別學習;工作記憶
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-11-08 14:06:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究為二年期計劃,其主要目的在於檢驗類別學習中的多重學習系統假說。自Ashby(1998)與其同事們開發類別學習的多系統模型-COVIS以來,類別學習領域也開始在神經心理學證據的啟發之下,開始探討類別學習是否由兩個學習系統負責進行:外顯與內隱系統。外顯系統被認為與RB類別結構之學習有關,該結構多是由單一向度所構成。內隱系統則被認為與II類別結構之學習有關,該結構主要是由雙向度所構成。外顯系統主要是由前額葉負責,也因此被推論與工作記憶能力有關;內隱系統則主要是由多巴胺酬賞系統有關,專司刺激與反應的制約連結,與意識控制無關。雖然過去十年已有相當多的證據支持COVIS模型,但不支持該模型的研究仍有許多,以致這個議題尚未有明確的結論。本研究擬以兩年時間進行五個實驗,嘗試由不同方向與實驗設計來澄清此一議題。實驗一擬針對外顯系統與工作記憶的關連性檢驗COVIS模型,將要求受試者學習各種不同難度的RB與II類別結構並且測量受試者的工作記憶廣度,所得資料將由結構方式模型進行分析,如果建立的模型中只有一個潛在變項被認為與類別學習有關,則反駁COVIS模型,反之則接受。由於實驗一的結果可能會受到受試者反覆練習以致於背下刺激材料的答案,實驗二則改以針對受試者對檢測項目的反應與他們的工作記憶廣度之間的相關,來了解是否類別學習並沒有所謂的外顯與內隱的分離現象。實驗三則針對觀察-回饋學習典範進行系統分類之檢驗。有別於過去相關研究均使用受試者間設計,實驗結果容易受到個別能力差異之混淆,實驗三將改採受試內設計,以期減少實驗誤差,作為檢驗是否在觀察學習情境中,II類別結構之學習較RB結構來得更不容易學。實驗四則將焦點置於改良觀察學習情境,受試者將被要求觀察他人之學習情形,而後再進行自己的實驗,此外,為求更清楚了解觀察學習情境中,受試者究竟觀察了那些線索,本實驗也將同時蒐集受試者的眼動訊息,以為輔助。實驗五針對交換反應鍵僅會影響II類別結構之學習一事進行檢驗。由於當受試者見到交換反應鍵的指導語時,他們必須迅速抑制心中所想之類別標籤,而改成對立的類別標籤,此項歷程應與執行注意力之抑制功能有相關。因此,實驗五也將同時蒐集受試者在三個測量抑制能力的作業上的分數,並將之與類別學習作業的表現進行迴歸分析。若迴歸分析顯示,在交換反應鍵的作業中,不論RB或II類別學習表現都與抑制功能有關,而且兩者相關並沒有顯著差異,則表示並沒有系統分離的現象,反之,則支持COVIS模型。
    The main purpose of this two-years study is to examine the multiple-systems view in category learning. In the past 10 years, Ashby(1998) and his colleagues, adopting the behavioral and neuropsychological evidence, posited in their COVIS model that category learning might be mediated by two different systems in our brain. One is the explicit system related to the function of prefrontal cortex and the head of caudate nucleus. The other is the implicit system related to the function of striatum, specifically to the tail of caudate nucleus. Although there have been a lot of studies supporting the COVIS model, there are also many studies against it. In order clarify this issue, 5 experiments are proposed to be conducted in 2 years. Experiment 1 aims to examine the relationship between working memory capacity and category learning with all combinations of task difficulty and type of category learning (RB and II). The RB learning often requires attention on one feature; whereas the II learning requires attention on two dimensions. The data in Experiment 1 will be analyzed by SEM (structural equation modeling). For eliminating the memory effect for the learned items, Experiment 2 following Experiment 1 will in turn focus on how the transfer performance in the category learning task will be influenced by working memory. Due to the evidence for dissociation is often gained by between-subject design which might be biased by individual differences, Experiment 3 will adopt the within-subject design to examine the dissociation between two category learning in the observational vs. feedback learning paradigm. Experiment 4 following Experiment 3 will examine whether observing other people learning would help participants increase their accuracy. Specifically, the participants eye movement data will be collected for a better understanding what happen to participants while observing other people learning. Experiment 5 aims at the controversial dissociation between the interference on the II and RB category learning brought by response button switching paradigm. For this aim, in addition to category learning tasks, 3 tasks used to measure the ability of switching tasks and inhibiting distracters will also be conducted. The correlation between these measurements and different learning types will help clarify the inconsistency in the current debate.
    本研究旨在檢驗多重系統觀點於類別學習中之適切性。實驗將針對Sloutsky的多重系統理論進行檢驗。該理論認為不同的學習系統是由不同密度的類別結構所騶動,而低密度的類別結構(類別內成員的相似性低,類別間成員的相似性高)會騶動選擇系統(selection-based system)進行學習;高密度的類別結構(類別內成員的相似性高,類別間成員的相似性低)則會騶動壓縮系統(compression-based system)進行學習。而監督式學習由於事先告知受試者規則特微(rule feature)為何,將有助於選擇系統的作用,相對地,非監督式學習由於僅呈現類別正例的圖形給受試者看,將有助於壓縮系統的作用。因此,Sloutsky預期學習方式與類別密度之間有交互作用。然而,此種分離可能有其推論的限制。因為Sloutsky的實驗均使用高維度的刺激材料,本實驗將調整刺激的維度數目,重複Kloos和Sloutsky(2008)的實驗,檢驗是否上述之交互作用不會受到刺激材料複雜度(即,維度多寡)的影響。研究第一階段完成第一個實驗,發現Sloutsky所宣稱的交互作用,僅發生於高複雜度的刺激材料上,對於低複雜度的刺激材料,受試者則是一律傾向使用選擇系統進行學習。此觀察除了強調刺激材料本身的複雜度需納入考慮外,更揭示了Sloutsky理論中的兩個子系統,很可能是以選擇系統為優先的方式進行學習。當然,本實驗結果也可以單純地實驗難度來說明,即,當作業困難時(即,高複雜度高密度),人們才會啟動壓縮系統,其餘情境均會使用選擇系統進行學習。
    Relation: 基礎研究
    研究期間:10008~ 10107
    Data Type: report
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Psychology] NSC Projects

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