摘要: | 台灣的現代文學已有八十年以上的歷史,這期間在世界性帝國主義擴散的影響之下,曾經有過淪為日本殖民地,以及戰後在冷戰體制下高度經濟成長的經驗,而今也正面對著以資本主義全球性發展為前提的全球化浪潮。由此看來,台灣文學的過去和現在,一直都跟世界性資本主義的發展有著密切的關聯,而這些問題,我們通常都是以現代性課題來加以把握。不過,文學的現代性問題,不僅是台灣文學所獨有的現象,它也存在於透過與西方接觸而進入現代的其他東亞國家,尤其擁有與台灣類似歷史經驗的韓國,不但同樣經歷了日本殖民經驗和戰後冷戰體制,其文學發展樣貌及焦點也呈現與台灣共同的面貌。因而,尋找能觀照這些個別國家的現代文學觀點,絶對是有它的必要。本硏究計畫所要提出的台韓現代文學的焦點:傳統和現代指向之間的關聯樣貌,即是擬在東亞文學的視角下,比較考察將近百年歷史的台韓現代文學,在其面對西方現代文明的到來時,是如何思考自我傳統的問題,亦即針對兩國文學所呈現的接受和挪用、衝擊和拒絶的複雜樣貌,進行分析,以期更客觀的了解並尋找台灣文學在東亞文學上的普遍性和特殊性。 It’s been more than 80 years that the history of Taiwanese modern literature, during this period, when imperialism is globally expanding, had fell to Japanese colony, after war had experienced economic soar under cold war system, and now encountering globalization wave based on globally developed capitalism. Thus it can be seen that the past and the present of Taiwanese literature tightly connected with development of global capitalism. Hence issues around the topic are often studied through modernity. Nevertheless, modernity topics of literature not merely exists in Taiwan, also in East-Asian countries which had modernization through contacting the west, especially the country with similar historical experience, Korea. Not only undergoing the Japanese colonial period and cold war system, but the Korean literature also displays the mutual feature. Consequently, it’s definitely necessary to search the viewpoint of modern literature particularly for these countries. The research plan, “Focus on Taiwanese-Korean Modern Literature, “Connection Feature between Modern and Traditional Orientation””, is to survey how modern literature of the two countries reflected upon their tradition when facing the incoming of western civilization, under the aspect of East-Asian literature. Meanwhile, this plan is to analyze the complex feature of Taiwanese-Korean modern literature that appears in way of accepting, converting, strike and refusal, in order to objectively understand and find the generality and specialty of Taiwanese literature in East-Asian literature. |