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Title: | 集合住宅專有部分與共有部分之分開計價問題探討-台北大學特定區為例 Analysis of housing separated prices in property rights of private units and public elements |
Authors: | 林逸杰 Lin, I Chieh |
Contributors: | 張金鶚 江穎慧 林逸杰 Lin, I Chieh |
Keywords: | 分開計價 產權分配規劃 分析階層程序法(AHP) 建築體積成本法 專有部分 共有部分 separated prices in property rights distribution planning of property rights analytical hierarchy process (AHP) cost approach of building volume private units public elements |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 15:23:54 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 住宅價格,在自由市場機制的放任下不斷攀升,政府以「分開計價」策略介入市場,揭露產權分配資訊,目的在保障消費者,避免購置過多的「虛坪」,並降低住宅價格負擔。本文試圖從產權分配的基本面,以「分開計價」政策,來探討房價與「虛坪」之間的關係問題,不同以往文獻以政治、社會與經濟面來分析高房價問題。如何分開、如何計價、又何謂虛坪,為本文研究動機。 如何分開產權的研究顯示,「專有部分」與「共有部分」需有合理規劃原則,方能免於購置虛坪。其方法宜採用「共有部分」五項目分配法,將共有部分之小公共設施、大公共設施、機車位、車道與車位分別單獨登記建號,再依主建物比例來合理分配共有部分;應禁止使用之分配規劃方式分別為:(1)地上層與地下層二分法、(2)各棟小公混合後再分配法、(3)機房併入主建物分法。 如何分開計價的推演方法顯示,除分析階層程序法不適用外,其建築體積成本法、蒐集與檢驗市場法,都在可接受範圍內。研究也顯示,虛坪雨遮准予登記但不予計價,符合市場、供給成本與需求認知。此外,僅以主建物計價,符合需求者的期待,並與國外僅以「專有部分」計價概念相符,資料顯示,國外不動產每單位的價格,乘上72.86%後為本國價格,此結果將可降低研究國內外不動產價格比較上的估價誤差。因此,產權「主建物比」較「公設比」資訊的揭露,更能避免購置過多「虛坪」,降低住宅價格負擔。 The government adapts a policy of “separated prices in property rights” to reveal the secrets under distribution planning of property right, aiming to protect consumer from buying too much” virtual property rights” and in order to reduce housing burden. This study starts from a fundamental aspect in distribution planning of property rights to figure out the relationship between housing prices and virtual property rights, which is different from the political, social, and economical-based in history dissertations. Motivations of this study are to analyze what virtual property is and to explain how to separate and count the price of property. This research indicates that property distribution should be reasonably arranged in private units and public elements. Thus, problem of virtual property rights is avoided. The distribution method is followed: The entire public property rights should be detailed separately planning as an individual public facilities, large public facilities, motorbike parking, car parking, and basement driveway to the ground floor’s area. Completely inappropriate approaches are to merely separate on the floor or the basement space, and the machine room belongs to main building. Except analytical hierarchy process method, cost approach of building volume method and collect-check method are appropriate in applying separated prices in property rights. Moreover, the virtual property rights of rain cover cannot be charged but be registered. It corresponds with the situation of market pricing, supply costs and demand. The concept of charging merely in main private units reaches the expectation of the demanders, which equals to the foreign concept. According to data, in Taiwan, per unit real estate price is 72.86% times to foreign one. This result will reduce the mistakes of estimation in comparing prices. Consequently, the more information about ratio of main private units is revealed than public elements one , the less expense consumers have to face. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政研究所 98923023 100 |
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