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Title: | 台大實驗林契約林地保育與利用之研究-以權力關係為論述中心 A study of conservation and utilization on experimental forest lease forestlands of national TaiwanUniversity : expound on power relationship |
Authors: | 李健豪 Lee, Chien Hao |
Contributors: | 顏愛靜 李健豪 Lee, Chien Hao |
Keywords: | 台大實驗林 契約林地 違規使用 權力關係 需求層次概念 |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 15:23:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台大實驗林管理處(以下簡稱林管處)認為轄內之契約林農有擅於林地從事農業使用等違規使用行為,擬對違規者加以處罰或收回其承租地;但部分違規之契約林農卻認為其利用土地的方式本是順應當地自然生物資源特性,並未破壞山坡地,且長久以來的栽種經驗早已建立起和其承租地之間的深厚情感,這種尊重自然的生產模式,理當不是破壞山坡地保育的元凶。然而,在這兩種不同思維的作用下,引發林管處和承租戶之間的衝突。按理而言,林管處秉持森林資源保育政策,意在引導林地利用的內涵與建立模式;但林農在生計與產業經營考量下,咸認林地利用自是以市場為導向,方可發揮使用權功能。然而,究竟此等權力關係的要素之間的相互作用為何?對於土地利用之影響又如何?凡此皆值得深入考察,以探究實情。
本研究藉2010年迄今以契約林地現場查勘、深度訪談和問卷調查林農、林管處承辦人員之方法,觀察當地林農對於契約林地的利用方式;另考察近數十年來林管處的經營管理政策措施、林農違規利用土地所造成之管理失靈的問題。以Walck and Strong(2001)提出的權力關係為論述中心,探析政府政策、社群的價值規範、市場經濟、財產資源等四大因素之間的相互牽扯,佐以Zoe, Jennifer and Lorraine (2011)應用需求層次概念在土地管理上的做法,考察近數十年來我國台大實驗林的經營管理政策措施,以及林地承租戶土地利用情形。用以分析林管處與契約林農在契約林地上違規利用之根源,探求林管處與契約林農對於利用契約林地的觀念差異,並探求現狀下契約林地違規使用問題的癥結。
本研究以權力關係兼採需求層次概念對於契約林地地影響模式,透過文獻分析、實地訪談及問卷分析,獲得以下結論(1)現行造林契約規範難以處理契約林地上違規利用狀況(2)造林契約目的無法兼顧保育森林與契約林農生計收入(3)契約林農無法落實保育之觀念。並依上述研究發現,本研究提出以下之政策建議(1)應盡速調整台大實驗林造林契約規範(2)有條件允許契約林地上種植非林作物(3)契約林地之管理應導入契約林農保育的概念。 The Experimental Forest, College of Bio-Resources and Agriculture, National Taiwan University (hereafter referred to as the Experimental Forest) thinks that the contracted forestry farmers have illegal behaviors, such as the use of agriculture, and plans to give penalty to those violators or regain the lease forestlands from them. However, some of the violators consider that their land use conforms to the feature of local natural resources, and they never damage the hillside because of the intimate relationship between the long-lasting agricultural experience and the lease forestlands. In addition, this kind of production is respectful to the nature and should not be accused of destroying the conservation of hillside. Therefore, these two opposite thoughts cause the conflict between the Experimental Forest and the contracted forestry farmers.
The forest resource conservation policy, which the Experimental Forest adheres to, is to lead the direction of land use and to establish a model of land use as well. However, in consideration of livelihood and forestry management, the forestry farmers argue that the lease forestlands should be market-oriented in order to operate their right of land use. Therefore, it’s worthy of further investigation about how the power relationship works between the stakeholders, as well as its influence on the land use.
In order to observe the management of the forestry famers and the utilization of the lease forestlands, this study applies field study, in-depth interviews and questionnaire survey for investigating the farmers and staff members of the Experimental Forest. Furthermore, this study also reviews the management policies of the Experimental Forest in the past decades, as well as the records of illegal use and the unsuccessful management of the farmers. Based on the theory of power relationship proposed by Walck and Strong (2001), the study probes the mutual interaction of four main factors---governmental policy, community values, market economy, and property resources, and complements with the method of land management with the concept of need hierarchy by Zoe, Jennifer and Lorraine (2011). The research findings go as follows. First, it is hard to deal with the violation of illegal use on the forestlands by the present contract and regulation. Second, the purpose of afforestation cannot include both the forest conservation and the livelihood and income of the famers. Third, the contracted forestry famers are unable to implement the concept of conservation. According to the above findings, the research proposes three suggestions. First, the Experimental Forest should modify the contract and regulation as soon as possible. Second, the Experimental Forest should conditionally permit the plantation of non-forest crops. Third, the management of lease forestlands should include the ideas of conservation of lease forestlands. In the end, this study provides some facts and thoughts about this topic in hoping to improve the problems of illegal use of the lease forestlands. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政研究所 98257019 100 |
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