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Title: | 舞蹈建構於酒類廣告再現之研究 The Research of Dancing Construction and its Representation in Alcohol Drink TV Advertisements |
Authors: | 許秀珍 Yane Kusuma |
Contributors: | 黃葳威 Huang, Vivian 許秀珍 Yane Kusuma |
Keywords: | 品牌 酒類廣告 符號學 電視廣告 舞蹈 Alcohol Drinks Advertisement Brand Dance Semiotics TV commercial |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 14:33:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主要為探討討論三種酒類之啤酒(Beer)、烈酒(Liquor)、及紅酒(Wine)的電視廣告中,所呈現的舞蹈及其意義,以質化研究方法之符號學的理論取向,解析舞蹈的符號(舞蹈的建構背景、種類、及特徵);轉借自舞蹈的符號(服裝、服裝的顏色);其他廣告因素的符號(舞者、廣告文字);非語言傳播的符號;及媒介鏡頭語言的相關符號,依據符號具與符號義的概念,及明示義與隱含義的符號分析,便以品牌的角度,討論舞蹈應用於三種酒類的電視廣告,所要傳遞的訊息與意涵,並揣摩酒商設計出其舞蹈呈現在他們的廣告,來代表與宣傳產品的目的。
研究發現,藉由舞蹈、舞者、服裝及其顏色,搭配舞者(代言人)的肢體動作、廣告的文字、及鏡頭的一些符號,呈現於酒類廣告,可獲得企業的核心價值、根基、競爭能力等概念;品牌的形象及目標市場;產品的品味、品質、原產地等訊息。此外,不同酒類廣告,傳遞、強調不同的訊息,因此酒商在其廣告中,也設計出不同的舞蹈性質。啤酒類的廣告中,強調年輕的主題,所以啤酒廣告再現了年輕性質的舞蹈風格;烈酒廣告著重有事業成就且有社會地位的成熟男性,因此烈酒類也呈現了屬於正式、成熟性的舞蹈風格;水果酒類的廣告,多以女性為主,因此酒商所引用的舞蹈,也屬於女性演出的舞蹈性質。 This research discussed dancing construction and its meaning implied on beer, liquor, and wine, example of three different alcohol drinks which can be seen on TV advertisements. By using qualitative research methodology and semiotic theoretical approach, this research tried to analyze five different elements of dancing representation in alcohol drinks TV commercial. These elements are: the resemblance of dance symbols (such as background, type, and its characteristics), factor that contributes to dancing (such as costumes and its colors), advertising elements (such as dancers/endorsers, and texts), non-verbal communication, and visual (camera) language.
This analysis was based on the concepts of signifier/signified and connotation/denotation. Alongside with branding point of view, this study was designed to find out the message and the meaning beyond a particular dance assigned to those advertisements. The research was also tried to identify the reasons why the firms choose to exercise a certain dance in their TV commercial as product representative and moreover to advertise it.
The research found that through dance representation, the firms attempt to send the message about company core values, foundation, and its competitiveness, as well as the hint to its brand image and target market. The dancing that represented in the advertisements was also showing the taste, quality, and origin of its particular product. Moreover, as different type of alcohol drinks encompassed various type of messages, therefore the variety of dance generous and style were used also different. For example beer TV commercials were prominences young as a theme, thus the dance style applied within was also appertain youngster dance style. On the other hand, Liquor TV advertisements were more focus on a mature male who has carrier achievements and social statuses hence the dance style used on its advertising was far more formal and mature. Finally, wine TV advertisements were more predominantly for female rank, therefore the dance cited by the wine company was also belong to the nature of female dance performances. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 廣播電視學研究所 95453020 100 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095453020 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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