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    Title: 臺灣文獻遺產登錄世界記憶之研究
    The study of Taiwan’s documentary heritage register on the memory of the world
    Authors: 林柏伶
    Lin, Po Lin
    Contributors: 薛理桂
    Hsueh, Li Kuei
    Lin, Po Lin
    Keywords: 聯合國教科文組織
    United Nations Education、Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)
    Memory of the World Programme
    Documentary Heritage
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 14:23:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 聯合國教科文組織於1992年發起世界記憶計畫,目的是為了保護世界瀕臨危機的文獻遺產。世界記憶是一個長期的計畫,主旨在於改變國家、政府、社區及個人能重視、保護進而利用圖書館、檔案館及博物館典藏之文獻遺產。目前世界記憶名錄中,共有245項文獻遺產被登錄。名錄中的文獻遺產項目涵蓋了各種類型的文獻和藏品,包含了古籍、石碑、錄音檔案…等。
    UNESCO established the Memory of the World Programme in 1992. The purpose is to protect documentary heritage of the world which is in great danger. Memory of the World is a long-term plan, the main objective is to make nations, governments, communities and individuals treasure, safeguard and access the documentary heritage of libraries, archives and museums. There are 245 items of documentary heritage that registered in the list of Memory of the World at present. These items cover all types of literature and collections, including the rare book , inscription, audio files...etc.
      In 2010,Taiwan has had the experience of the application of the Memory of the World. According to this issue, this paper aims to explore the application process, criteria of the Memory of World and investigate the documentary heritage that are eligible to apply for the register of Memory of the World. Furthermore, the study uses the in-depth interview to understand the repositories` staffs` opinions about the Memory of the World and to select the eligible documentary heritage in numerous collections. Synthesize the above interview data that propose the conclusions and suggestions in order to provide reference for the repositories that will apply for the Memory of the World List in the future.
      Based on the research conclusion, these are three suggestions as follows: (1) To establish the social identity of the documentary heritage; (2) To integrate and popularize the documentary heritage resources; (3) To apply for the register of Memory of the World step by step.
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