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Title: | 社群網站對個人創作的影響之研究 The influence of social networking websites on creative writing |
Authors: | 何靜婷 Ho, Ching Ting |
Contributors: | 尚孝純 何靜婷 Ho, Ching Ting |
Keywords: | 個人創作 社群網站 創新經營 creative writing social networking websites innovative operation |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 14:22:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在WEB 2.0時代的帶動下,社群網站已然成為時下流行文化,個人創作者紛紛投入社群網站的經營,觀察近年來幾個事件,社群網站對於創作者的發展確有推波助瀾之效,為有助於創作者對社群網站的運用,本研究針對個人創作者與社群網站兩者之間的關係與影響,進行分析、研究。
本研究提供後進創作者經營社群網站的策略擬定與具體建議,並給予和創作者息息相關的出版產業一些意見,以及對於社群網站研究有興趣者參考,可擴及將創作者延伸至文創產業或相關產業的應用研究。 Driven by web 2.0, social networking websites have become part of the pop culture. Creative writers have been jumping on the bandwagon running their own social networking websites. From the observation of recent events, it has confirmed that social networking websites did have helped promote the creative writers. In order to improve the use of social networking websites for the creative writers, this research analyzed and studied the relationship and influence between the creative writers and social networking websites.
This research comprised of multiple qualitative case studies – one creative writer forming a single case – and focused on three popular genres, literature and fiction, relationships as well as lifestyle. First of all, hundreds of Chinese creative writers’ public social networking websites out of approximately 3,000 were selected. The next step was observing and analyzing the content and behaviors of the creative writers of these three genres on social networking websites during the five primary activities in the publishing process: the development of ideas; the presentation; the delivery channels; marketing and promotion; the branding and reputation of the author. This research was to find out the key success factors and influence of social networking websites through the comparison between those creative writers’ websites.
Following the analysis and studies, the conclusion was drawn as follows:
1.Social networking websites are beneficial for the development of ideas. Online feedback provides the directions for writing. It diversifies the presentation especially the use of multi-media. Meanwhile social networking websites also help boost the awareness and popularity of the writers and ultimately build the personal branding up.
2.Social networking websites provide a stable platform for writing where the writers can be easily seen and contacted. Creative writers of various genres express themselves in their own specialist ways, shape their own USPs (unique selling propositions) and re-focus on the pivotal skills – writing – through the wise use of social networking websites as a tool.
This research provides the subsequent creative writers with the strategies and advice on how to operate social networking websites. It also provides suggestions to the publishing industry that is closely linked with the creative writers. For researchers who are interested in social networking websites, this research may be applied to cultural and creative industry or other related industries. "第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景、動機 1
第二節 研究目的 4
第三節 論文架構 5
第二章 社群網站與個人創作 6
第一節 社群網站 6
壹、 社群的演變 6
貳、 各社群網站的介紹 8
參、 社群網站研究現況 11
肆、 社群網站的相關理論 12
伍、 社群網站發展現況 13
第二節 社群網站對個人創作的發展 16
第三節 個人創作的分類與步驟 18
壹、 創意的產生與發展 22
貳、 作品的呈現方式 23
參、 作品的遞送與管道 24
肆、 作品的行銷推廣 24
伍、 創作者個人品牌的建立與累積 26
第四節 可能的衝擊、創新與影響 26
第三章 研究方法 28
第一節 多重個案研究、內容回顧 28
第二節 個案選取 28
第三節 研究步驟 30
第四節 資料分析 32
第四章 研究個案 42
第一節 侯文詠 42
第二節 陳雪 44
第三節 女王 47
第四節 宅女小紅 50
第五節 大A 53
第六節 酪梨壽司 55
第七節 Sway 57
第八節 徐天麟 58
第九節 MASA(山下勝) 60
第十節 小熊(熊怡凱) 63
第十一節 彎彎(胡家瑋) 65
第十二節 接接 68
第五章 研究發現 79
第一節 五大步驟的創新發現 79
壹、 從創意的產生與發展 79
貳、 作品的呈現方式 80
參、 作品的遞送與管道 80
肆、 作品的行銷與推廣 80
伍、 創作者個人品牌的建立與累積 81
第二節 社群網站對創作的世代 81
第三節 不同創作類型的過程 84
第四節 創造的利潤 87
第五節 社群對創意、產品的提升 88
第六章 結論 90
第一節 摘要 90
第二節 研究貢獻 93
第三節 研究限制 93
參考文獻 95
附錄 101 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 99932083 100 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099932083 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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