題名: | 台灣金融控股公司換股比率影響因素之研究 The determining factors of stock for stock exchange ratio for Taiwan financial holding companies |
作者: | 楊翊羚 Yang, Yi Ling |
貢獻者: | 郭弘卿 Kuo, Horng Ching 楊翊羚 Yang, Yi Ling |
關鍵詞: | 金控 換股比率 財務因素 非財務因素 financial holding companies stock exchange ratio financial non-financial |
日期: | 2011 |
上傳時間: | 2012-10-30 14:21:14 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 本文旨在探討金控公司合併換股比率之決定因素,變數包含財務與非財務因素。依財務變數選用標準之不同,區分為一般財務指標模型與五構面指標模型,兩模型之非財務變數皆相同。截至民國100年12月31日,樣本共43家。一般財務指標模型包含八項財務變數,五構面指標模型則包含七項財務變數,由中央存款保險公司金融預警系統中資本適足性、資產品質、管理績效、營利性、流動性等五個構面中捕捉。一般財務指標模型中共有每股淨值、員工平均年齡、員工學歷程度、董監事持股比率、服務據點等五個變數達到影響換股比率之顯著結果,截距項係數的不顯著結果,顯示主併與被併公司在併購價格中未有顯著溢價或折價之收付;五構面指標模型則有財務槓桿、貝里比率、每人營收淨額、稅前純益占實收資本比率、稅後淨利率、員工平均年齡、員工人數、服務據點八項變數達到顯著結果。五構面模型解釋能力較一般財務指標模型高,但截距項呈現顯著負值,顯示可能有併購溢價或其他為五構面所遺漏的變數未被納入。 The objective of this study is to discuss the determinants of the stock exchange ratios for mergers of the financial holding companies in Taiwan. All factors are divided into two parts, financial and non-financial. There are two models used in this study, the common financial index model and the five-perspective index model, depending on the choosing standard in financial factors. Financial factors in the common financial index model are widely used in financial statement analysis, while in five-perspective index model they’re chosen based upon five critical elements of CAMEL ratings system, a method of evaluating the health of credit unions. All non-financial factors used are indifferent between the two models. Choosing the study sample which has been a member of financial holding company until December 2011 and using ordinary least square (OLS) method, the empirical investigations suggest that in the common financial index model there are five factors have significantly positive effects on the exchange ratio, which are book value per share, average employees’ ages, the educational background of employees, corporate ownership and service locations. The intercepts in this model are not statistically significant in the regressions, implying that there are not any premiums or discounts after incorporating the impact of the financial and non-financial factors. In the five-perspective index model there are eight factors have significantly positive effects on the exchange ratio, which are financial leverage, Berry ratio, net sales revenue per employee, the proportion of capital of the pretax income, net profit margin, average ages of employees, number of employees and service locations. In summary, the interpretation power of the five-perspective index model is greater than the common financial index model. But the fact that the intercepts in this model are statistically significant, implying that there might be some other factors which have been omitted. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計研究所 98353003 100 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098353003 |
資料類型: | thesis |
顯示於類別: | [會計學系] 學位論文