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Title: | 全球之眼,在地之聞-分析國際媒體如何報導2012年臺灣總統大選 The coverage of 2012 Taiwan presidential election in international media |
Authors: | 楊舒詠 |
Contributors: | 甘逸驊 楊舒詠 |
Keywords: | 臺灣總統大選 國際新聞流通 國際新聞馴化 新聞框架 2012 Taiwan presidential election international news flow domestication framing |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 11:42:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究試圖從「國際新聞流通」之理論背景出發、根據「新聞馴化」與「新聞框架」理論架構,多層次比較分析不同國家之主要平面媒體對臺灣2012年總統大選報導之趨向,透過內容分析與新聞論述法, 分析自2011年1月1日至2012年1月21日期間,《紐約時報》 ( The New York Times )、《華盛頓郵報》( The Washington Post ) 、《基督教科學箴言報》 ( The Christian Science Monitor ) 則 、香港《南華早報》( South China Morning Post ) 、新加坡《海峽時報》( The Straits Times ) 、南韓《韓國時報》( The Korea Times )、英國《衛報》(The Guardian)與澳洲《澳洲人報》( The Australian ) ,八家不同報紙的相關報導。進而瞭解發生在國外的重要事件如何被其他國家所報導與呈現,是否存在不同差異?並從中探析影響國際媒體報導臺灣本次選舉內容呈現的可能因素。研究發現各報報導數量有顯著差異、報導類型無顯著差異、報導篇幅有顯著差異、報導版面配置具有差異、新聞來源無顯著差異、報導偏向大致相同、主要消息來源存有差異、馴化策略無顯著差異、新聞框架應用大致相同。 The present study is aimed to explore the significances how major foreign news agencies represented presidential election of Taiwan in 2012. By manifesting contexts of chosen news agencies such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Christian Science Monitor, South China Morning Post, The Strait Times, The Korea Times, The Guardian and The Australian with chosen period from 1st January, 2011 to 21st January, 2012, the author furthers the study embedded with theoretical approaches focused on international news flow, domestication and framing of news to articulate how foreign news agencies represented the news event abroad on the basis of data analysis and new discourse, furthermore, the author also examines the potential variables which might influence the news tendency among foreign news agencies when depicting presidential election of Taiwan in 2012. The results suggest there is no overt significance regarding news categories, news sources, news orientation, news domestication and news frames; however, the significance could be applied to the findings as exploring the quantity of news coverage, news layout and major news sources. |
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