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Title: | 肢體感測回饋對序列動作學習之影響 The effects of body posture visual feedback on motor sequence learning |
Authors: | 黃郁茹 Huang, Yu Ju |
Contributors: | 張寶芳 黃心健 Chang, Pao Fang Huang, Hsin Chien 黃郁茹 Huang, Yu Ju |
Keywords: | 序列動作學習 肢體感測 視覺回饋 表現獲知 Kinect Motor Sequence Learning Body Posture Sensing Visual Feedback Knowledge of Performance Kinect |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 11:35:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以使用者為中心之設計角度出發,探討 Kinect 提供的肢體感測回饋,如何影響序列動作學習,並試圖找出在設計回饋資訊時應注意的要素。本研究提出兩項假設,探討在序列動作學習時,有無肢體感測回饋資訊,對動作表現的影響: H1 使用者在序列動作學習時,提供其肢體感測回饋,可以提高使用者「動作部位精確度」的學習效果。 H2 使用者在序列動作學習時,提供其肢體感測回饋,可以提高使用者對「序列動作完整度」的學習效果。 本研究招募60位受測者,隨機分配到控制組與實驗組。控制組僅提供示範影片,實驗組則同時提供肢體感測回饋。受測者隨示範者練習5次後,在沒有線索輔助下,將所學的六組動作演練一次。研究者同時全程錄影演練過程。結束後,受測者需填答問卷。 透過影片分析,研究者針對「動作部位精確度」及「序列動作完整度」進行評分,以檢視控制組與實驗組在動作表現上之差異。實驗結果卻與研究預期相反,在「動作部位精確度 」與「序列動作完整度」,實驗組都表現較差,且達顯著水準。亦即提供肢體感測回饋,並未提升序列動作的精確度或完整度表現。針對此實驗結果,綜合問卷所得之受測者需求分析,本研究歸因於肢體感測回饋資訊設計不良所致。回饋訊息未能針對使用者需求設計。受測者最需要知道的資訊:動作正確與否、如何修正以及評分標準,實驗組並未能有效獲得。因此,本研究提出肢體感測回饋資訊設計上的三點建議: 1. 系統應給予學習者宏觀概念圖,事先告知學習者序列動作之項目順序。 2. 系統應讓學習者清楚瞭解每個動作之學習項目。 3. 系統除了提供學習者表現獲知的回饋資訊,更需提供修正線索。 This research was based on user-center design thinking, and discussed how the body posture visual feedback provided by Kinect influenced the learner on motor sequence learning. We tried to find out the key elements of designing feedback. Here we proposed two hypotheses to probe the effects of body posture visual feedback on motor sequence learning: H1 When learning motor sequence, users provided body posture sensing feedback would learn better in “accuracy of moving parts”. H2 When learning motor sequence, users provided body posture sensing feedback would learn better in “completeness of sequence order”. We recruited 60 subjects, and they were distributed into control and experiment group randomly. The control group learned the motor sequence only with demonstrating video; experiment group, on the other side, were provided body posture visual feedback at the same time. All the subjects should practice the motor sequence, which included 6 items, 5 times, then tried to demonstrate the sequence without any cue. They were videotaped at the same time. After that, they should fill out a questionnaire. The researcher scored “accuracy of moving parts”, and “completeness of sequence order” through video analysis, then comparing the differences between two groups. The results were different from what we expected. The experiment group performed significantly worse than control group both in “accuracy of moving parts” and “completeness of sequence order”, which meant providing body posture visual feedback did not enhance the performance of motor sequence learning in both aspects. In the light of the results and the requirements suggested in the questionnaire by subjects, we thought the results caused by bad design of body posture visual feedback, which couldn`t fit the users’ needs. The subjects didn’t get the information they need most, like the correctness of their performance, how to adjust the performance and the criteria of scroing. Therefore, we proposed three suggestions on designing body posture visual feedback: 1. The system should provide learners the macro concept of the whole sequence order in advance. 2. The system should let leaners to understand all the movements clearly and thoroughly. 3. The system should provide the information of “Knowledge of Performance”; and further, providing the hints of adjustments. |
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