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Title: | 台中地區小學學生及其英文教師對於有效英語教學信念之比較 A study on elementary school students’ and teachers’ perceptions of effective English teaching |
Authors: | 楊祐華 Yang,Yu hua |
Contributors: | 余明忠 Yu, Ming Chung 楊祐華 Yang,Yu hua |
Keywords: | 英文學習信念 有效英語教學 English learning beliefs effective English teaching |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 11:34:53 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探究並比較小學學生及其英語教師對於有效外語教學之信念。在英語教室中,學生其及老師對於教學的看法有許多相同與相異之處,這些信念會直接或間接影響到教學的有效性。 本研究以問卷調查法進行,對象為台中市34名公立小學英語教師及其811位高年級學生,問卷內容改編自Brown(2009)自編問卷及教育部九年一貫課程綱要 (2007)。問卷回收後資料以統計軟體SPSS 18.0進行敘述性統計、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析及薛費事後法分析,獲得結果簡述如下: 1.國小學生及其英語教師對於各項教學法抱持正向的態度。 2.在性別、課外學習經驗、學習英文時間早晚等因素影響下,會影響小學學生對於有效英語教學習的信念。 3.在文法教學上,學生及其教師均持正向態度,教師尤其偏愛歸納式教學。 4.在錯誤糾正上,學生認為教師須立即處理錯誤,但教師們允許適當的忽略。 5.在溝通式教學法上,學生及其教師均持正向態度,但學生對於小組互動的上課方式持較保留的態度。 6.在多元評量方面,學生及其教師均持正向態度,但學生們對於傳統紙筆測驗的看法高於教師們。 根據問卷調查結果,本研究最後提供教學上相關建議以供參考。 The major purpose of the study is to identify elementary school students’ beliefs toward effective teaching and make a comparison to those of their teachers’. In language classrooms, the students and their English teachers may have very similar or disparate notions of effective teaching, and the intersection of the two sets of beliefs shows direct or indirect impacts on teaching effectiveness. A questionnaire was used to collect quantitative data from 34 English teachers and 811 students in public elementary schools in Taichung Area. The items in the questionnaire were mainly adapted from the model by Brown (2009) and the Instruction Guidelines issued by the Ministry of Education (MOE, 2007). In this study, statistic computerization, including descriptive statistics, the independent sample t-test, and ANOVA with the post- hoc Scheffe test were used to analyze the collected data. The major findings are summarized as follows: 1.Elementary school students and teachers generally hold a positive attitude toward these teaching pedagogies. 2.The demographic variables of gender, extracurricular English learning experience and different length of prior English learning yield an effect on different students’ beliefs. 3.Elementary school students and teachers generally hold a positive attitude concerning Grammar Instruction; moreover, the teachers have more preference for inductive teaching. 4.Elementary school students and teachers generally hold a positive attitude concerning Error Correction; moreover, the students expect teachers to deal with their errors immediately, but their teachers tend to neglect error correction at times. 5.Elementary school students and teachers generally hold a positive attitude concerning Communicative Language Teaching; however, the students seem more hesitant to participate in group interactions in class. 6.Elementary school students and teachers generally hold a positive attitude concerning Multiple Assessments. Furthermore, the students appear to find more value in traditional paper- and- pencil tests than their teachers do. Finally, based on the findings in this study, several suggestions and implications were presented in the conclusion of the paper. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英語教學碩士在職專班 98951018 100 |
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