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    Title: 銷售子彈以阻止飛彈?中-歐合作於反核武擴散與武器禁運
    Selling the bullet to stop the bomb?EU-China cooperation on non-proliferation and the arms embargo
    Authors: 宋凱樂
    Carla Boggs
    Contributors: 蔡中民
    Tsai, Chung Min
    Carla Boggs
    Keywords: 歐洲聯盟
    Arms Embargo
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 11:34:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: In the last decade, the EU-China partnership has become increasingly important, translating to the strategic issues of the twenty-first century, which include the problem of non-proliferation. As two of the world`s visible international players, China and the EU both have a lot at stake in these matters. Non-proliferation also touches upon one of the bones of contention between the two : the EU embargo on arms sales to China.
    This paper examines the current state of cooperation on non-proliferation between the EU and China, and the impacts this cooperation may have, notably on the EU arms embargo.
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