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Title: | 影響臺灣青少年偏差行為之貫時性研究-以TEPS資料分析為例 The panel study of the deviation behavior in Taiwan: evidence from Taiwan education panel survey |
Authors: | 李昭鋆 Lee, Chao Yun |
Contributors: | 余民寧 Yu, Min Ning 李昭鋆 Lee, Chao Yun |
Keywords: | 潛在成長曲線模型 偏差行為 社會控制理論 自我控制理論 latent growth curve modeling deviation behavior social bond theory a general theory of crime |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 11:33:22 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 對偏差行為的解釋有多種理論,不過以後天的角度詮釋偏差行為,則社會控制理論、自我控制理論是最有力的解釋理論。本研究亦欲圖驗證此兩種理論在多變量潛在成長模型的效用。因此,研究者採用臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫之資料,以自我控制信念、親子關係、同儕關係、學校依附感、教育抱負、學業成就預測偏差行為之變化。此外,並探究性別對潛在成長模型之影響。茲將研究成果陳述如下。 1、偏差行為隨著年級逐漸增加,日益增加,變異數亦逐漸擴大。 2、整體多變量潛在成長模型中,整體模式適配度良好。 3、自變項對偏差行為截距、斜率解釋量分別為.19、.32,顯示模式的解釋量仍有改善空間,其中對截距之預測達顯著者,分別為同儕關係截距、學校依附感截距、學業成就截距、親子關係截距。對斜率之預測力達顯著者,分別為學校依附感斜率、學校依附感截距、同儕關係斜率、同儕關係截距、教育抱負截距。 4、運用多群組分析,發現男女生並無測量不變性。 5、性別對偏差行為有重要影響。 6、預測女生的斜率主要考量其學校依附感和同儕關係,但預測男生偏差行為的斜率除了與學校、同儕的關係外,還要考量其教育抱負。 最後,根據上述的結論,研究者分別提出實務、研究方法、未來偏差行為研究之建議,以作為參考。 The cause of deviation behavior is explained by many theories. However, social control theory and self control theory are the most famous and important theories. Research would like to confirm the theories which are applied in multivariable latent growth curve model. Therefore, TEPS data are analyzed to investigate the model, and the results are as follows: (1)Deviation behavior gradually increases with time and variety of it also rises. (2)The fit of model is good. (3)The intercept is explained 19% by independent variables and the slope is explained 32%. In addition, it is significant for the intercept of the relation of peer group, attachment feeling of school, parental relation and academic achievement in the regression which is employed to anticipate the intercept. It is significant that the intercept of the relation of peer group, attachment feeling of school, and educational ambition and the slope of peer group, and attachment feeling of school can anticipate slope of deviation behavior effectively. (4)Employing multi-group analysis, there exist gender differences in the model. (5)Sex has influence on deviation behavior. (6)For girls, the slope of deviation behavior is anticipated by social relations, but for boys, besides the peer relationship, it is also included the educational ambition. According the results, some suggestions are proposed for future researches and the administration authority. |
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