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    Title: 台北捷運聯合開發住宅選擇行為與旅運行為之研究
    The research of Taipei MRT joint development of residential choice behavior and travel behavior
    Authors: 黃永漢
    Contributors: 白仁德
    Keywords: 大眾運輸導向發展
    word:Transit Oriented Development
    Transit Jointed Development
    Residential Location Choice
    Travel Behavior
    Binary Logit
    Multinomial Logit.
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 11:31:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,國內有許多研究提倡大眾運輸導向發展 (Transit Oriented Development)的理念,政府也大力推動大眾運輸系統的建設,其中最為重要的是捷運的建設,在台北都會區,捷運路網的建設正逐步完成,與捷運建設息息相關的捷運聯合開發(Transit Jointed Development)也隨之蓬勃發展,同時,捷運聯合開發亦是我國推動大眾運輸導向發展普遍的作法之一。目前台北都會區目前共有82處聯合開發基地,已完工基地有35處,可容納6,317個家戶,以及755,773.69帄方公尺樓地板面積,對於減緩日益嚴重的都市住宅問題,有一定程度的幫助。但在規劃聯合開發住宅時,聯合開發住宅在不同類型、特性之捷運場站中,將面臨到許多問題,如:純住宅型態或住商混合型態較能符合民眾之需求?哪些家戶會選擇聯合開發住宅?又其家戶類型以及選擇原因為何?這些問題如何解決,係本研究欲探討之內容,因此,本研究以台北捷運聯合開發已完工且辦理租售作業之開發基地作為研究對象,並篩選出9處聯合開發基地進行實證研究,透過問卷調查的方式,瞭解民眾之聯合開發住宅選擇行為與旅運行為,並透過二項與多項羅吉特模型,探討影響民眾聯合開發住宅選擇行為之影響因素。
    In recent years, there are many researches promote the idea of the transit-oriented development. The government also vigorously promotes this infrastructure projects. One of the most important projects is the development of the MRT system. In Taipei metropolitan area, while the construction of the MRT network is gradually completed, the transit jointed dvelopment is also flourishing. Moreover, transit jointed development is the most common way in order to promote TOD. Currently, there are 82 Transit Jointed Development bases in Taipei metropolitan area. 35 of the bases have already completed, which can accommodate 6,317 household with 75,577,369 square meters of floor area. It certainly will help to alleviate the problem of urban housing. However, in planning of the Jointed Residential Development, it will face many problems due to the different types of characteristics of the MRT station. For example, which households will choose a jointed development dewilling? What is the reason of choosing jointed development dewilling? How to solve these problems? These are the contents of the study. Therefore, in this study, we target the bases that have already been completed and applied for rental operations in transit jointed development as the research object, and select 9 of them for the empirical research. In order to understand people’s choice behavior in jointed development dewilling, we use survey as a method, and explore the factors that affect people’s choice behavior by applying Binary Logit and Multinomial Logit Models.
    The results of empirical research show that households in the jointed development dewilling increase their public transport usage and reduce their commuting time and costs. In addition, their car ownership rate and frequency of use are significantly reduced. In the aspect of household characteristics, the households in the jointed development in the household scale are generally small and relatively young age of the householder. Those characteristics are going to further the formation of the other features, such as: the lower the proportion of student population and lower income households. Impact factors, such as the size of the household, the average residential price, residential scale on the people choose different types of joint development dewilling have a significant effect. Finally, according to the empirical results, it is recommended that the TOD should be added to the planning principle of the future Joint Residential Development. For the Jointed Residential Development, the size of house and commercial area should be adjusted along with the MRT in order to maximize the efficiency.
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