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Title: | 技能型學習遊戲之設計要素對學習情緒及成效之影響研究 A study on assessing the effects of the design features of game-based learning for skill training on learning emotion and performance |
Authors: | 胡琬琪 Hu, Wan Chi |
Contributors: | 陳志銘 Chen, Chih Ming 胡琬琪 Hu, Wan Chi |
Keywords: | 遊戲設計要素 學習情緒 學習成效 技能型學習遊戲 Key design features learning emotion learning performance Games-based learning for skill training |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 11:25:52 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 學習型遊戲可提供學習者一個具備「滿足學習發生的基本需求」、「以問題解決為基礎」、「有趣」以及「吸引人」等特色的安全學習環境,而技能型學習遊戲更不同於一般認知與情意型遊戲,其設計過程除了著重事實、知識之外,更強調經由實際操作或練習使學生能真正習得某些動作和技能。因此,有哪些遊戲設計要素能吸引學習者,讓學習者在進行技能學習過程中感到有趣,進而達到學習目標,值得我們關切。再者,從學習型遊戲設計層面來看,重視學習情緒和使用者經驗是不可或缺的遊戲設計考量面向,特別是在數位學習環境中,哪些遊戲設計要素會對學生的學習情緒及學習成效產生影響,值得更進一步的探討。 因此,本研究採用兩款具遊戲設計要素差異之英文打字遊戲,探討技能型學習遊戲之遊戲設計要素對於學習者之學習情緒與學習成效之影響與關聯,以釐清技能型學習遊戲之遊戲設計要素如何影響學習者之正負面情緒以及學習成效,進而作為學習型技能遊戲設計時的參考。研究結果顯示,具遊戲設計要素差異之技能型英打學習遊戲對於引發女性學習者之負面情緒會產生顯著差異,而男性學習者則未產生顯著差異;本研究採用之兩款技能型英打學習遊戲,均可以有效增進學習者之學習成效,並且遊戲設計要素較高之技能型英打學習遊戲對於男性學習者較具學習成效;具遊戲設計要素差異之技能型英打學習遊戲,其遊戲設計要素之「適時回饋」為設計學習型遊戲時之最重要因素;而學習情緒會影響學習成效部分,僅在低打字能力學習者採用具遊戲設計要素差異之技能型英打學習遊戲時獲得部份驗證。 Game-based learning can provide a safe environment with satisfied basic needs during learning process, problem solving domain foundation, funny and attractive characteristics for learners. Skill learning games are different from normal cognitive and affective games. The design of skill learning games emphasizes on not only facts and knowledge but also on learning some kinds of motion and skills by operation and practice, so we concerned about the key design features attracting learners to interest the learning process and get the learning goals. On the other hand, it is indispensable for key design features considering about learning emotions and learner’s experience, and it is also necessary to be further investigated about which feature will affect the learner’s emotion and learning performance. Two English typing games with different design features were adapted to investigate the effects and relations between design features and learner’s emotion and learning performance to clarify the positive or negative emotions and performance were affected by which design feature of the skill learning games and to set a reference for the game designer. The study results show that female learner’s negative emotion which was caused by different game design features of the English typing games was significantly affected, but male learner’s emotion was not. The two adapted games were both with learning performance, and her male learning performance was better with better game design features of the typing games. Proper feedback was the most important design feature. The effects of emotions to performance were partly proven from poor typing ability learners. |
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