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Title: | 學習社群平台對國小學童創造思考歷程之影響研究:以PasteWall為例 Assessing the effects of learning community platform on promoting creative thinking processes of elementary school students |
Authors: | 許毓秀 Hsu, Yu Hsiu |
Contributors: | 陳志銘 Chen, Chih Ming 許毓秀 Hsu, Yu Hsiu |
Keywords: | 創造思考 社群平台 電腦中介溝通 社會網絡 創造傾向 Creative Thinking Community Platform Computer-mediated Communication Social Network Creative Tendency |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 11:25:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 為落實「善用資訊科技、共享數位資源、激發創意思考」之教育理念,本研究分別以採用具備社群互動與資源傳遞功能之社群平台PasteWall的實驗組,以及採用一般實體面對面學習互動模式的對照組,進行創造思考學習活動,以探究社群平台是否有助於提昇學習者創造思考與聚斂評估能力,也進一步分析在電腦中介溝通的學習環境中,同儕資源分享與想法回應情形,是否優於傳統體面對面學習互動。研究結果歸納如下: 一、實體面對面互動的對照組同儕互動程度高於使用PasteWall社群平台之實驗組,但兩者的資源分享量無顯著差異;實驗組訊息回應量顯著高於互動密切的對照組,顯示應用社群平台有助於促進學習資源的傳遞與分享。 二、使用PasteWall社群平台進行互動的實驗組學習者,分享互動後的流暢力與獨創力表現顯著高於對照組學習者;實驗組低創造傾向的學習者在變通力與獨創力表現上顯著優於對照組低創造傾向學習者;研究結果支持PasteWall社群平台有助於提升實驗組與低創造傾向學習者部分擴散思考表現。 三、實驗組獲得正向評價的想法被發表之百分比明顯高於獲得中間評價想法;對 照組獲得正向評價的想法被發表的百分比明顯高於獲得中間及負向評價的 想法;顯示同儕評價向度與學習者的想法發表具有部分關聯。 四、實驗組學習者在創造思考學習任務的成效表現,顯著優於對照組學習者。 此外,根據本研究教學實驗結果,提出以下教學實務建議: 一、教師可應用學習社群平台規劃團體腦力激盪的合作式學習,激發學習者的擴散思考能力。 二、教師應適當應用電腦中介溝通的特點,協助不同特質的學生發展其創造思考關鍵能力。 三、同儕回饋對學習者分享學習成果的意願有一定程度影響,教師可適時應用學 習社群平台提供虛擬互動的學習環境,提升學習者向同儕分享想法的動機。 In order to fulfill the educational philosophy of Using Information Technology Optimally, Sharing Digital Resources and Activating Creative Thinking, this study used two groups to implement creative thinking and learning activities, including a experimental group, which adopted the community platform of PasteWall with the function of community interaction and resource transfer, and a control group respectively, which adopted usual learning mode of physical face-to-face interaction. If the community platform is helpful to upgrade the learners’ creative thinking and convergent evaluation abilities was explored. Furthermore, if the resources sharing and thought responding among peers in the learning environment with computer-mediated communication are better than that with traditional face-to-face learning interaction was analyzed. The results of the study are summarized as below: 1. The interactive level among peers in the control group with physical face-to-face interaction is higher than that in the experimental group adopting the community platform of PasteWall. However, the volumes of resources sharing between two groups have no significant difference. The volume of response to thought in the experimental group is significantly higher than that in the control group with closer interaction, which indicates that the community platform benefits the improvement of resources transfer and share. 2. For the learners in the experimental group utilizing the community platform of PasteWall to interact, the performance of fluency and originality after interaction is significantly higher than that in the control group. Learners with low creative tendency in the experimental group perform significantly better in flexibility and originality than the learners in the control group with low creative tendency. The results of the study indicated that the community platform of PasteWall was helpful to upgrade the performance of divergent thinking for learners with low creative tendency in the experimental group. 3. The percentage of thought with positive evaluation which is posted in the experimental group is obviously higher than that with intermediate evaluation. For the control group, the percentage of thought with positive evaluation which is posted is also obviously higher than that with intermediate and negative evaluation. It indicates that the evaluation dimension of peers has some correlation with the posting of the learners’ thought. 4. Learners in the experimental group have achieved better performance in the learning tasks with creative thinking than those in the control group. In addition, suggestions are put forward for teaching practice on the basis of the results of the study: 1. Teachers should utilize learning community platform to plan group brainstorming cooperative learning and activate learners’ divergent thinking ability. 2. Teachers should properly utilize the characteristics of computer-mediated communication to assist students with different personalities to develop the critical ability of creative thinking. 3. The responses from peers have some impact on learners’ willingness to share the achivements of learning. Teachers can timely apply learning community platform to provide virtual interactive learning environment and upgrade the motivation of learners to share their thoughts with peers. |
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