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    Title: 科技服務導入鞋品零售之應用策略探討 - 以個案公司為例
    A case study on the application strategy of IT service implementation in footwear industry
    Authors: 郭欣怡
    Contributors: 李易諭
    Keywords: 服務創新
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 11:24:54 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著時代腳步、消費者生活水準的提升,鞋子的消費意義,從原先保護雙腳的功能,逐漸演變成時尚及品味的象徵,在此過程中,企業必須迎合顧客觀念,不斷地重新定義銷售概念,創造持續性之成長動力。而台灣整體鞋品零售市場面臨了材料與結構科技發展的階段性發展瓶頸,加上資訊流通速度加快,使得各大品牌都能輕易取得相近的設計與材料資源,致使商品同質性越來越高。為了突破這樣的市場現況,唯有結合最新科技與公司既有之各項優勢,並提供最新的科技服務銷售流程,重新定義鞋品零售的流程與概念,才能創造全新的顧客價值以及擴大與競爭者的距離。
    (一) 滿足合腳、個人化與保健三大需求,為消費者創造更高的商品價值。
    (二) 建構包含「體驗、參與感與客製鞋品」的感性知識型經濟與消費趨勢。
    (三) 提升門市服務之效能、品質、專業度,進而提升個案公司之品牌形象。
    (四) 推動網路購物平台之發展,降低退、換貨的成本及顧客困擾。
    (五) 直接面對顧客,察覺需求,提高產品開發之預測準確性與速度。
    (六) 建立實體與虛擬雙通路,擴大顧客介面及族群範圍。
    (七) 系統化之服務架構、方法與知識,利於國際複製。
    As the improvement of people’s living standards, the meaning of footwear to customers has been shifted from protective moving tools to a symbol of fashion and taste. During this evolving process, companies must meet the customer needs by continuing redefine the sale concepts of footwear, thus create a sustaining growth curve. In the case of Taiwan’s footwear retailing industry, the companies are facing the bottlenecks in the material and technical development. Also due to the fast flow of information, major brands of footwear can easily obtain and use similar resources and materials, the result is that the footwear in the market has become very identical and lack of differences. In order to break this situation, one of the solutions is to combine the latest technology and the core advantages of the company, and to construct a new service process with this innovated technology. By redefining the sale process and concepts of footwear retailing industry, the company can create a new value to customers and distance the gap between competitors.

    This thesis adopts the case study method. First of all the study analyzes the internal/external environment, followed by the SWOT analysis to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and finally developed several possible strategies. This study suggests that the case company can adopt the E-fitting system, and further develop the strategies of consultant marketing, foot care, e-commerce, museums, and brand acquisitions.

    The main strategy of E-fitting system has the following characteristics:
    1. Meet the major needs of fitting well with feet, personalization, and health care, providing customers with higher product value.
    2. Construct a perceptual knowledge-based economy and consumption trends, including experience, participation and customization.
    3. Increase the service efficiency, quality, and degree of profession in the store, thus increase the brand image of the case company.
    4. Promote the development of online shopping platform, and to decrease the cost of exchange and return of footwear sold.
    5. Recognize the needs of customers when directly contacted, thus improve the predictive accuracy and speed of development.
    6. Establish the dual distribution channels, broaden the scope of customer group.
    7. Systematize the framework, methods and knowledge of service, thus increase the possibility of international replication.
    "目  錄 I
    表 目 錄 II
    圖 目 錄 III
    第壹章 緒論 1
    第一節 研究背景與動機 1
    第二節 研究目的 2
    第三節 研究範圍 2
    第四節 研究流程 3
    第五節 論文結構 5
    第貳章 文獻探討 7
    第一節 服務科技化 7
    第二節 服務創新 14
    第三節 策略管理 21
    第參章 研究設計 30
    第一節 研究架構 30
    第二節 研究方法 33
    第肆章 外在環境分析 35
    第一節 總體環境分析 36
    第二節 產業環境分析 47
    第三節 機會與威脅彙整 56
    第伍章 個案分析 58
    第一節 個案公司背景 58
    第二節 個案公司服務創新模式之應用及其問題與挑戰 65
    第三節 個案公司經營策略建議 72
    第陸章 結論與建議 82
    第一節 研究結論 82
    第二節 研究建議 85
    第三節 研究限制及未來研究建議 86
    參考文獻 87
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