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Title: | 企業併購後資訊系統整合成功與否之檢驗 An examination of the success of post-merger IT integration |
Authors: | 林孟賢 Lin, Meng Hsien |
Contributors: | 尚孝純 Shang, Shari S. C. 林孟賢 Lin, Meng Hsien |
Keywords: | 併購後 資訊科技整合 合併與收購 衡量指標 Post-merger IT integration M&A Measurement |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 11:21:23 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 就一個併購案而言,資訊科技的整合是最重要且複雜的任務之一。過去許多併購的研究著重於技術和組織的議題而忽略了如何去衡量資訊系統整合成功與否,然而現今的研究依舊鮮少著墨於併購後資訊系統整合的績效評估。不同的利害關係人對於併購後資訊系統的成功有所不同,衡量的標準從流程的強化到顧客的滿意度也有所差異。因此,本論文將利害關係人區分為執行長、資訊長、業務經理和顧客四種角色來探討。本研究的目標是欲從策略面和經營面檢驗資訊系統整合的成敗並以一個較廣的衡量方式追蹤資訊系統整合的成效。本研究使用兩階段的實證研究,第一階段以目前相關的文獻和研究發展出初步的衡量指標和研究發現;第二階段藉著訪談多名業界人士進行多個案分析,檢驗第一階段所提出的指標,接著發展出一完整且具備多利害關係人衡量指標的表格,此表格可清楚表現此四利害關係人衡量指標的優先順序。本研究發現,對執行長來說,達到企業綜效和提升市佔率是他的前二衡量指標;對資訊長來說,維持營運的持續性和統整所有資訊科技是他的前二衡量指標;對業務經理來說,維持營運的持續性和整合後資訊系統的彈性是他的前二衡量指標;對於顧客而言,則是營運的持續性和顧客自身資料的正確性。本研究亦發現於設計和規劃資訊系統的整合時,必須特別考量資訊系統的彈性和使用者介面,以提高整體資訊系統整合所帶來的效益。同時,對於企業來說,此時亦是個好契機做企業流程的再造和強化企業自身的競爭力,可以更積極的方式來實現資訊系統整合帶來的價值。希望本研究所提出的衡量指標能提供企業有效且一致的基準去評估併購後資訊系統整合成功與否。 IT integration is one of the most critical and complex tasks in a merger-and-acquisition (M&A) project. Many studies on M&A have focused on the technological and organizational issues of information technologies (IT) integration but have left out the important base of what to measure for in the success of the integration. Existing research remains sparse in explaining the performance assessment of a post-merger IT integration. The success of post-merger IT integration can be viewed differently by different stakeholders—the CEOs, the CIOs, the business managers, and the customers of the merged companies—and thus standards used vary from process enhancement to customer satisfaction. The objective of this research is to examine the success of post-merger IT integration from both strategic and operational viewpoints and track the integration performance using a wide range of business measures. This study uses a two-phase empirical study. The first phase involves building preliminary indicators and findings by the related literatures and research. In the second phase, we use a multi-case method by interviewing the practitioners to develop a detailed table of stakeholders’ measurements. Finally, the table reveals that the top two measurements for CEOs are achieving synergies and increasing market share; for the CIOs, the top measurements are operational continuity and technology consolidation, for business managers the measurements are operational continuity and the flexibility of an integrated system, while for the customer the measurements are operational continuity and the accuracy of customer information. Moreover, this study also finds the importance of taking flexibility and user interface into consideration while planning and designing IT integration. For an enterprise, IT integration is also a good opportunity to reengineer business processes to enhance competitiveness. It is hoped that the resultant measurements can provide a consistent and useful benchmark for evaluating IT integration success after a business investment in an M&A project. |
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