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    Title: 電視新聞記者集體合作行為對職能與專業態度之影響
    The Impact of TV Journalists` Interpersonal Cooperation on News Production and Professional Competencies
    Authors: 唐德蓉
    Contributors: 關尚仁
    Keywords: 合工效應
    effects of collaboration
    information exchange on MSN
    interpersonal cooperation
    TV reporters’ competencies
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 11:18:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 因應傳播科技發展與市場化競爭,台灣電視新聞記者愈來愈常見利用MSN「會稿」與新聞畫面的「合帶」,進行緊密的集體合作行為。電視新聞記者透過集體「會稿」,不漏新聞又能掌握各台動向,因此受到新聞室組織的默許,甚而影響各台的新聞取向與編輯策略。而原只存在於駐地記者的「合帶」行為,也逐漸向上擴展到地方新聞中心,甚至台北總部,使得記者對集體合作的依存度更高。 電視台記者的跨台集體合作行為,導致台灣電視新聞出現特殊的「合工效應」,新聞內容更趨「同質化」與「濫獨家」現象充斥。電視記者蒐集新聞資訊方式從過去佈線經營人脈,轉變為倚賴同業關係而獲得,但二手資訊卻常使得新聞的錯誤率增加。 本研究透過訪談20位資深電視新聞記者,勾勒出「會稿」與「合帶」集體合作行為的三層次形貌,剖析不同層次集體合作的運作方式與目的,並探討集體合作對於新聞產製流程、電視記者職能與專業態度的影響,同時對電視新聞媒體現況提出省思。
    The development of communication technology and growing competition have led TV reporters in Taiwan to rely on underground inter-station and interpersonal cooperation, which consists mainly of information exchange on MSN and news video sharing. Despite the potential violation of work ethics, such cooperation eliminates the possibility of missing out on any news story, and hence is given silent permission from the news room. Such news gathering, however, has to a certain extent changed the selection and editing strategies in TV stations. News video sharing, a method originally used only among local correspondents, has spread to regional news centers, and sometime even the headquarters in Taipei. These in turn reinforce reporters’ reliance on interpersonal cooperation.

    Such interpersonal cooperation of TV reporters in Taiwan has also resulted in a homogeneous news industry full of meaningless “exclusive” news stories. While reporters used to gather news from independent sources, they have now turned to share information with other TV stations. Despite the convenience, such second-hand facts are of more potential errors. The researcher of this paper has interviewed twenty senior TV reporters and depicted a tri-tier cooperative system—from local correspondents, regional news centers, to headquarters. This study looks into the means and purposes of this cooperation model on all the three levels and probes into its possible effects on the news reporting process, TV reporters’ competencies, and professional attitudes.
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