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Title: | 愛倫坡與柯南道爾偵探小說的布爾橋亞室內空間 The Bourgeois Interior in Edgar Allen Poe’s and Conan Doyle’s Detective Stories |
Authors: | 郭詩裴 |
Contributors: | 陳音頤 Chen, Yin I 郭詩裴 |
Keywords: | 偵探文類 班雅明 布爾橋亞室內空間 坡 道爾 detective genre Benjamin the bourgeois interior Poe Doyle |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 11:16:15 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 班雅明在拱廊計畫中專章探討布爾喬亞室內空間概念的思想理論啟發了本論文。在資本主義盛行工業革命興起的十九世紀,室內空間成為中產階級儲存財產、保障私人安全舒適、以及抵禦外在威脅的所在,然而班雅明不僅僅質疑這種布爾喬亞室內空間的穩固,他更直接點出中產階級表面上寄託於室內空間,潛意識卻也不信任其牢靠。而我將延續班雅明的論點解讀十九世紀偵探文類中屢屢發生的室內犯罪,這樣的劇情設計事實上就是投射了偵探文類中產階級讀者對於室內空間潛在的焦慮。本論文以班雅明為基礎,使用艾徳加.愛倫坡和柯南道爾的偵探短篇小說,探討這些作品如何呈現布爾喬亞室內空間,作者如何回應室內空間的議題,以及偵探在布爾喬亞室內空間中扮演什麼樣的角色,同時從十九世紀初的艾倫波到十九世紀末的柯南道爾,我也欲探討布爾喬亞室內空間從都市化初期到都市化末期中產階級移往郊區定居的過程中所發生的轉變。本文認為,愛倫坡和柯南道爾的偵探故事中藉由顯示室內空間的危險與不穩定挑戰了傳統的布爾橋亞室內空間觀。 Walter Benjamin’s conceptualization of the bourgeois interior inspired this dissertation. As the nineteenth century witnessed capitalism and Industrial Revolution, the domestic interior served the bourgeoisie to store property, ensure comfort and security, and withstand the outdoor dangers. However, Benjamin not only questions the impregnability of this bourgeois interior but also directly points out the bourgeoisie’s unconscious anxiety over the interior despite their conscious confidence in it. Using Benjamin’s theory as my critical framework, I analyze the frequent occurrences of domestic crimes in the nineteenth-century detective genre. This formula, I argue, projects its middle-class readers’ anxiety over the domestic space as the domestic space is repeatedly invaded and disturbed by crimes. Based on Benjamin’s theory, I use Edgar Allen Poe and Conan Doyle’s detective stories to explore how these works depict the bourgeois interior, how their authors address the issues about the bourgeois interior, and what role the detective plays, a protector or a transgressor, when involved into the invasions of the bourgeois interior. From Poe at the beginning of the nineteenth century to Doyle at the end, I also examine the changes of the bourgeois interior during the process of the middle class’ migration from the city center to suburbs. I argue that both Poe’s and Doyle’s detective stories challenges the ideology of bourgeois spatiality by showing the interior is unsafe and unstable against the bourgeoisie’s imagination. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英國語文學研究所 97551004 100 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0975510041 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [英國語文學系] 學位論文
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