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    Title: 都會區發展與住宅價格差異關係之分析
    The Relationship Between Urban Development and Housing Price in Metropolitan Areas
    Authors: 郭哲瑋
    Contributors: 張金鶚

    Chang, Chin Oh
    Chiang, Ying Hui

    Keywords: 住宅價格
    Housing Price
    Urban Development
    Panel Data Analysis
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-30 11:09:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣各都會區因經濟與社會發展程度不同,使各都會區房地產市場特性有所差異,住宅價格波動情形亦有所不同。過去於台灣雖已有許多文獻探討過區域經濟與社會變數和區域住宅價格之關聯,卻少有文獻討論不同區域彼此間住宅價格差異與區域經濟與社會變數差異關係,且多數探討區域房地產市場文獻亦僅將研究範圍限縮在單一都會區,對於全國都會區之綜合性討論較為缺乏。是故,本文以台灣六大都會區為研究對象,探討各都會區彼此間住宅價格差異時間與空間變動情形,分析其與各都會區彼此間經濟與社會發展差異關係,進一步釐清當中之主要影響因素。

    本研究使用台北市、新北市、桃竹都會區、台中都會區、台南都會區與高雄都會區等六大都會區由1993年至2010年共270筆住宅價格兩兩相除之比例資料,透過縱橫資料模型(Panel Data Model)探討國內六大都會區,兩兩間住宅價格比例變動於經濟與社會面的主要影響因素。實證顯示,當兩兩都會區經常性所得、知識密集服務業就業機會、公共投資、交通可及性、辦公室使用執照樓地板面積、治安狀況與空氣品質差異越大,住宅價格差異亦隨之擴張。且各都會區知識密集服務業就業機會、公共投資、交通可及性與經常性所得落差對住宅價格差異影響最大。此外,兩兩都會區住宅價格差異亦受到其地區特性與景氣影響。建議政府可透過於弱勢都會區發展適宜知識密集服務業發展之環境,吸引相關產業進駐,提供當地更多知識密集服務業就業機會,降低國內都會區所得落差。此外,應合理分配各都會區公共投資金額,強化弱勢都會區大眾運輸服務水準,以降低國內各都會區住宅價格懸殊情形。
    In Taiwan, because of the dissimilar levels of urban development, housing prices in different metropolitan areas change in sundry ways. This paper uses panel data analysis to identify the relationship between the development gap and the difference in housing prices in metropolitan areas of Taiwan during 1993-2010. The empirical results reveal that the income gap, the employment of knowledge-intensive services gap, the mobility gap, the public investment gap, the office quantity gap, the public security gap, and the air quality gap had significant effects on the difference in housing prices, and the difference in housing prices is also influenced by local characteristics and real estate cycles. Besides, we also discover that the employment of knowledge-intensive services gap and the public investment gap are two key determinants of the difference in housing prices.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0992570041
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[地政學系] 學位論文

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