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Title: | 應用社會網路連結預測理論於政府官員職務繼任分析 Applying social network analysis and link prediction for government post succession analysis |
Authors: | 沈曜廷 Shen, Yau Ting |
Contributors: | 劉吉軒 Liu, Jyi Shane 沈曜廷 Shen, Yau Ting |
Keywords: | 社會網路分析 連結預測 政府官員異動 Social Network Analysis Link Prediction Government Post Succession |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 11:07:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著資訊科技的發達,資訊成長的速度日以倍計,對於大量且片斷的資料,社會網路分析(Social Network Analysis)提供我們可能的研究方法。社會網路主要是由節點以及節點彼此間的連結所形成的網路結構,透過社會網路分析和連結預測理論,我們可以從微觀與巨觀的切入角度,來進行龐大資料量的政府人事異動資料庫進行研究分析。本論文研究,將政府人事異動資料庫中的異動記錄建構為人物與職務兩類不同的社會網路結構,並透過社會網路分析以及連結預測,來發掘人物與不同職務之間的相互影響性,並進一步分析在特定職務的實際接任人選上,實際被影響的因素為何。實驗結果呈現本研究所設計出的模型,對於政府人事異動的互動關係在不同角度的觀察上有所幫助,也從中可以發現在實際接任人選上的考量上,歷任人選的歷任職務有相當程度的影響性,並瞭解社會網路分析與連結預測在實際情境應用下的可能性與限制性。 Information grows up in very fast way with the advancement in information technology. SNA (Social Network Analysis) provides the possible research ways for the large number of fragmentary information. Social network is the network structure which constructed by the links of each nodes in it. Through SNA (Social Network Analysis) and Link Prediction theory, we can investigate government official`s succession database with huge amount of data from micro and macro perspectives. The objective of this study is the construction of two different types of person and position social network structures and the exploration of the interaction between the person and position nodes through link prediction theory. We also discover the impact factors for actual appointee of specific position in further analysis. The study result shows the design model helps us to observe the interaction in government official`s succession from different perspectives. We found that is great influence of successive positions of successive candidates in consideration of actual appointee. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊科學學系 96971004 100 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096971004 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [資訊科學系] 學位論文
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