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Title: | 大德蘭的精神生活與靈修實踐-《七寶樓台》的現代性閱讀 St.Teresa`s Inner Life and Spiritual Practise-A Modern Study of 《El Castillo Interior》 |
Authors: | 林世齡 |
Contributors: | 陳良吉 孫素敏 藍文君 林世齡 |
Keywords: | 大德蘭 七寶樓台 神祕主義 神秘體驗 靈修 宗教現象 詮釋學 呂格爾 St.Teresa Interior Castle mysticism mystical experience meditation piety religion phenominon Hermeneutics Paul Ricoeur |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 11:05:53 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 十六世紀西班牙神秘主義學家德蘭阿烏馬達‧賽伯達(Teresa de Ahumada y Cepeda)於1622年被封為聖女大德蘭(St. Teresa of Ávila)或稱耶穌的聖大德蘭(Saint Teresa of Jesus)。一生以事奉天主為畢生奮鬥目標,她從靜觀祈禱裡領晤天主的恩寵,是一位神秘體驗的神秘主義者。大德蘭用33年的時間專注於內心默想祈禱和與天主在靈性上的結合,進而改革加爾默羅會,開創了一個嶄新的、更默觀的生活方式,而遍佈天主教世界。《七寶樓台》是大德蘭在天主的臨在經驗下完成的著作,其著作沒有深奧抽象的思辨理論,而主要是對神祕體驗現象的直觀性與隱喻性描述。基於這種神祕體驗與靈性生活的倡導,大德蘭也因此常被視為基督宗教神秘主義者的代表人物之一。 本論文主要透過對於大德蘭的基督宗教神祕主義思想背景,以及《七寶樓台》解讀的理論基礎,基督宗教的靈修理論以及宗教詮釋的相關理論。對靈魂提升的過程和神學的語言進行深入的省思,探討德蘭思想的底層。這個討論工作,所運用的方法主要是根據呂格爾等詮釋學家對文本世界的詮釋理論,以發掘文本的深層涵義。本論文的主要目的,企圖導引出宗教神學世界長期以來的信仰、語言和理性的討論,並藉由當代幾位具有代表性的神學與宗教學家的學說,闡明大德蘭的思想風貌,以及神秘體驗的精神本質。並且將大德蘭開創的思想潮流與宗教現象,帶進我們現代文化視野的詮釋空間之中,呈顯此一經典文本《七寶樓台》的重要價值與跨時代性。 關鍵詞:大德蘭、七寶樓台、神祕主義、神祕體驗、靈修、宗教現象、詮釋學、呂格爾 Sixteen century Spanish mystic- Teresa de Ahumada y Cepeda was canonized St. Teresa of Jesus by Gregory XV in 1622. She prayed for God in all her life and received His grace by contemplative prayer. She is also a practical mysticism. St. Teresa spent 33 years to pray for God, and concentrated on meditation piety to be with Him in spirit. By reforming Carmelo, the new meditative way of profound lives which created by her, gradually spread around the entire Catholic world. She wrote, Interior Castle, when God came to her in pray. The book is full of metaphor in book without any abstractive theories. Teresa became one of the representatives in Spanish mysticism due to her concentration on inner life and mystical experience. I will investigate the Christian Mysticism background of Teresa, the interpretation of Interior Castle, meditation piety of Christian, and related theories of religion hermeneutics such as Paul Ricoeur’s. By reflecting on the explanation of soul ascent and theological language, the thought of Teresa would be exposed. My purpose here is to introduce some significant arguments about faith, language and reason of Christianity by several theorists. I should focus on essentials of Teresa’s thought and mystical experience, the trend of spiritual movement and religion phenomenon initiated by Teresa. From a modern cultural perspective, the value and meaning of Interior Castle, should be reveal by this work.
Key words: St. Teresa, Interior Castle, mysticism, mystical experience, meditation |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 歐洲語文學程碩士在職專班(MPES) 95952009 100 |
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