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Title: | 企業併購對顧客關係管理的影響 An investigation of customer relationship management in post-merger |
Authors: | 游昀臻 Yu, Yun Chen |
Contributors: | 尚孝純 Shang, Shari S. C. 游昀臻 Yu, Yun Chen |
Keywords: | 併購 合併後 顧客關係管理 信用卡服務 mergers and acquisitions post-merger customer relationship management credit card services |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 10:58:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 企業透過併購為了要獲得更多資源以建立競爭優勢的策略。過去很多研究關注在兩家公司之間的流程與資源整合,而忽略合併後因為文化與系統整合的衝突而產生對顧客關係管理的影響。理論上,合併後的公司除了獲得更多資源之外也要能夠獲得更多的顧客,但是實際上因為兩家公司組織間擁有不同的企業流程、文化與資訊系統,有可能無法維持顧客關係的水準。本研究的目的希望了解企業併購對顧客關係管理的影響以及希望找出影響顧客關係管理的成功因素。本研究選擇金融產業的信用卡業務作為研究對象,因為在金融產業裡消費金融是一項需要依賴顧客關係管理,才能維繫顧客忠誠度與獲得更多的顧客。
本研究結果透過跨個案分析驗證我們在文獻中發現的關鍵因素,並說明這些因素如何影響顧客關係。此外還發現可能會影響管理顧客關係的其他影響因素。本研究發現關鍵因素分別為1.顧客重整與服務調整2.服務文化調整3.流程整合4.資訊整合5.溝通6.組織慣性改變7.企業轉換時標準程序的建立8.合併後的顧客關懷。而影響併購後顧客關係管理的因素分別為1.策略目的2.客群的規模3.品牌效益4.組織心態。透過本研究可了解併購後維繫顧客關係的重要性,並提供影響顧客關係管理的成功因素,以幫助企業維繫顧客忠誠度與獲得更多的顧客。 Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) represent a strategic approach for businesses to acquire resources and build competitive advantages. Many studies have investigated the process and results of the resource integration between two firms. Some cases have revealed satisfactory results in building asset portfolios and some cases uncovered a downside to merger due to conflicts in cultural and system integration. One of the key objectives of business acquisition is to expand business operations in providing customers with superior products and services. However, there is limited understanding about how customers react to the post-merger services. In theory, the merged enterprise should be able to leverage the assets and knowledge in growing and retaining customers, but in reality the customer relationships may not be well managed because of a lack of synergy between the merged organizations. The objective of this study is to examine the effect of mergers and acquisitions on customer relationship management (CRM), and we select the credit card business in the banking industry as our focus of study. Finance industries, especially consumer banks, rely heavily on CRM for targeting customers, promoting services, building deep knowledge, and generating revenue. M&A is the most applied approach in increasing business scope and enhancing services for engaging more customers.
Based on the literature about M&A and CRM, this study builds a framework for data collection, and the study is conducted in two stages. First, we collect data on CRM performance of credit card business in banks in Taiwan that have experienced M&A in the past eight years, and we compare CRM performance before and after mergers. Second, we do in-depth case study on selected cases regarding possible causes for CRM success in post-merger. The research results not only verified and enhanced the list of critical factors for CRM success but also discovered influential factors that can affect the effectiveness of CRM after merger. The critical factors are: strategy for rebuilding customer base and service portfolio, service culture, process integration, technology integration, communication and organizational inertia, standard of procedures of the business transition and customer care after the merger. The additional influential factors are: strategic purpose, customer base, brand effect, and organizational mindsets. It is hoped that we can learn from these cases about managing customer relationships after a merger and help companies develop effective plans for building synergy in CRM after M&A. |
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