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Title: | 影響公司併購後資訊科技整合的成功因素 The determinations of successful post-merger IT integration |
Authors: | 林育琴 |
Contributors: | 簡睿哲 林育琴 |
Keywords: | 併購 資訊科技 資訊科技整合 成功因素 |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 10:55:18 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 公司經由併購可以迅速的達成企業的目標,例如加速擴張企業規模、橫跨多個市場;接收其他企業的關鍵技術(know-how)、產品和技能;或達到規模經濟。資訊科技整合是指兩個或多個公司的資訊系統、資訊科技基礎設施、資訊科技政策做整合,讓雙方更即時且便利的利用資訊系統取得資訊。本研究主要目的為探討公司在併購之後資訊科技整合的成功因素,透過過去併購和資訊科技相關文獻的分析並與台灣某電子零件通路商資訊長(CIO)的深度訪談,發現併購後資訊科技整合的成功因素有資訊科技因素的「資訊科技能力」、「資訊科技整合規劃」和「資訊科技與使用者的溝通」三個因素,以及組織因素的「資訊科技參與併購計畫的程度」和「高階管理人員的支持」兩個因素。若公司擁有強大的資訊科技能力、規劃完善的資訊科技整合流程以及公司的資訊科技與使用者有良好的的溝通、高階管理人員對資訊科技全力的支持,對併購後資訊科技整合成功有正面的影響,然而,資訊科技參與併購計畫的程度高低卻對併購後資訊科技整合成功的影響不大。過去許多文獻都建議公司做併購計畫的時候要考量彼此資訊科技整合的適合程度,本研究卻發現在變化快速與競爭激烈的電子零件通路商產業中,公司還是會以企業成長為最主要的考量,希望透過快速的併購方式來提升自己的競爭地位,等到併購協議達成之後才開始做組織的資訊科技整合,而公司的「資訊科技能力」可以彌補資訊科技參與併購計畫程度的不足,達到併購後資訊科技整合成功的目標。 By way of merger and acquisition, the goal of enterprise can be quickly achieved by firms, such as rapid growing in firm’s size, increasing market shares, acquisition of know-how from other enterprises, products, skills or accomplishment of economy of scale. Integration of information technology refers to the combination of two or more companies’ information systems, IT infrastructures, and IT policies, which facilitates accessing to information from the systems more efficiently and conveniently to both sides. The purpose of this thesis is to illustrate the successful factors which may influence IT integration. With analyzing past literatures and an in-depth interview with a CIO of a distinguished IC component distributor in Taiwan, I realized that there are five factors playing critical roles in the integration of information technology including “IT competence”, “IT integration planning”, “Communication between IT and end-user”, “IT participation in merger planning”, and “Top management support”. If company owns strong IT capacities, perfect IT integration planning, good communication between IT and end-users, and full top management support, these factors will influence post-merger IT integration success in a positive manner. However, the degree of IT participation in merger planning has minor effect on post-merger IT integration success. Some researchers suggest that companies should take IT into consideration when they plan to conduct M&A, but this may not fit in the rapidly changing and intensely competing industry, such as IC component distributor. From their viewpoints, they often consider business growth the top priority. To acquire the competitive advantages, they would like to combine each other as soon as possible. IT integration will start until the merger contract is done. However, the capacity of powerful IT can be a complement to the lower degree of participation in merger planning. As a result, companies can also achieve the goal of successful IT integration. |
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薛明玲. (2006). 企業併購實務:全球併購趨勢概述及常見併購型態介紹. |
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