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Title: | 玩遊戲的魅力:互動敘事廣告研究 The charm of playing game: A case study of the interactive advertising narrative |
Authors: | 蕭婕妤 |
Contributors: | 孫秀蕙 蕭婕妤 |
Keywords: | 互動敘事 廣告遊戲 殭屍 黑色幽默 interactive advertising narrative adver-game zombie black humor |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 10:54:02 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在資訊科技的蓬勃發展的現代世界,消費者不但握有比過去更多的資訊主導權,得以選擇性地接收的訊息,網路特有的即時回饋機制更提供了一個互動的管道,讓消費者與品牌站在一個更平等的立場溝通。而在強調互動特質之餘,說故事仍然是行銷人將品牌與消費者的生活經驗相互連結的利器。因此,如何成功地結合「互動」與「敘事」是廣告成功的關鍵,也是最大的挑戰。本研究選擇紐西蘭品牌Hell Pizza推出的「Deliver Me to Hell」系列廣告為個案,先採Roland Barthes敘事分析法,從廣告製作的角度出發,瞭解現今的互動敘事廣告之情節設計原理與符號運作過程。再以深度訪談法,從消費者的角度出發,瞭解現今的互動敘事廣告之訊息內容與表現方式如何影響消費者對於品牌的觀感。並根據分析與訪談結果,提供廣告從業人員使用互動敘事廣告進行行銷活動的參考依據。
分析結果顯示,「D1eliver Me to Hell」的符號運作原則是以殭屍冒險主題連結產品特色、品牌精神與流行殭屍文化,創造出一個符合品牌名稱「地獄」般的故事情境。而廣告中的血腥暴力氣氛、殭屍電影情節、黑色幽默對白、龐客音樂等符號聯合指涉的就是驚悚、前衛且富有叛逆性的品牌形象。另根據訪談結果的統整,品牌使用互動敘事廣告進行行銷活動時,訊息內容必須彰顯強烈的主題性與故事性,並且輔以適當的感官刺激;情節安排必須簡單明瞭,但富有創意或與眾不同,最好能以節奏暢快的遊戲方式行進。實務人員製作廣告之前應該先瞭解品牌的調性與消費者的偏好,如此一來,互動敘事廣告方能達成增進品牌知名度、記憶度與認同感的說服效果,間接提昇消費意願。 In today’s advertising industry, the degree of interactivity and storytelling skills in commercials are keys to success. On one hand, interactivity enables the two-way communication between consumers and brands. Through online interaction, consumers have more resources of information in hand and they are able to choose ones that fit their needs. On the other, storytelling helps advertisements arouse consumers’ responses to the brands. It is the most effective way to connect brands with consumers’ life experiences by creating scenario in advertisements. Therefore, the biggest challenge for practitioners is to combine interactivity with advertising narrative.
The New Zealand Hell Pizza’s online advertisement “Deliver Me to Hell” is selected for this case study of interactive advertising narratives. The first part of the study applies Roland Barthes’s narrative theory to analyze the semiotic principles in the interactive advertising narrative from practitioners’ perspective. The second part conducts in-depth interviews to observe how the content and form of the interactive advertising narratives influence the brand attitude of consumers.
According to the content analysis, “Deliver Me to Hell” uses zombie to connect product features and the brand spirits. Bloody and violent scenes, zombie movie plot, black humor conversations and punk music used in the advertisement refer to a horror, rebellious and avant-garde image that suited the brand’s name “Hell.” The result of in-depth interview indicates that the successful interactive advertising narratives must have an obvious theme delivered by storytelling with proper sensory stimulations. The story plots need to be well-constructed, simple but creative. Moreover, adver-game with smooth storylines is the ideal form of interactive advertising narratives. It is necessary for practitioners to understand the tone and style of brands and consumers’ preferences, in order to design interactive advertising narratives that contributed to degree of brand prominence, consumer’s awareness and buying intention. |
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