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Title: | 以使用者與參與者的角度分析「傳染病預測市場」之可行性 The analysis of feasibility of epidemic prediction markets : from user and participant perspectives |
Authors: | 李建霆 |
Contributors: | 童振源 李建霆 |
Keywords: | 傳染病預測 預測市場 傳染病預測市場 集體智慧 可行性 nfectious disease Prediction Prediction Markets Collective Wisdom Feasibility Epidemic Prediction Markets |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 10:23:00 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 千年以來,人類不斷遭遇各種疫病的侵襲,流行速度更勝戰火蔓延,影響整體人類重大,然而隨著醫學知識的進步與衛生環境的改善,許多傳染病已經受到控制乃至根絕,但是生活周遭仍然面臨諸多威脅生命健康的潛藏危機,如果稍有疏失或不慎,傳染病不僅對於人體造成傷害,甚至恐將危害社會、經濟和政治層面,而近年的SARS、H1N1等流行病毒皆造成全球恐慌。
近年應用預測市場機制預測疫情模式引起公衛領域的重視,相關學術期刊與著名雜誌相繼介紹此一新興模式,同時肯定其在預測傳染病方面的成效與貢獻,而美國和台灣政府部門先後透過此項機制改善現有防疫體系的不足。那麼,預測市場用以預測疫情的成效是否確實如同其在眾多領域取得的成效一樣出眾?鑑於前述問題,本研究分別透過質化與量化的方式發掘公衛、醫學或流病學等其他領域對於「傳染病預測市場」是否能夠成為有效的預測機制或是成為常規的參考方法,結果證實使用的疾管局人員與參與的專業醫事人員認為「傳染病預測市場」確實可以應用於我國疫情預測的層面,但是兩者意見具有程度的差異。 For centuries, the spread of various diseases damage countless human beings, which surpass wars in the world. Those diseases not only endanger people’s life, but also invade the other dimensions, including society, economic and politics. With the advancement of medical knowledge and the improvement of public health, many infectious diseases have been brought under control and even eradicated. But humans still face and experience threats from pandemic viruses such as SARS and H1N1 constantly.
Epidemic prevention work focuses on understanding the variation of situation as soon as possible. Then governments can set up suitable decisions and policies based on epidemic situation. Though the monitoring system and the historical average are the mainstream to control the trends of infections for related departments, scientists believe that the two methods are subject to humans and environmental factors. In other words, it is difficult to draw effective information and direct response of the future trends from present methods. And it leads to national units gradually try other epidemic forecasting methods.
In recent years, using prediction markets to predict flu causes the attention of public health. Thus academic journals and well-known magazines not only introduce this application but approve its effectiveness and contribution in predicting infectious diseases. The departments of US and Taiwan have tried to improve the deficiencies of the existing prevention system through prediction markets. Is this application really as successful as PM in many issues and fields? To response the question, this research intends to through qualitative and quantitative ways respectively to explore the evaluations on Epidemic Prediction Markets behind public health, medical, epidemiology, etc. The result confirms that CDC staff and health workers identify the feasibility of Epidemic Prediction Markets, but with the degree of variation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國家發展研究所 97261012 100 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097261012 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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