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Title: | 從代工至自創品牌之策略行銷分析:以達芙妮為例 Strategic marketing analysis of transition From OEM to OBM: a case study of DAPHNE |
Authors: | 謝其宏 Hsieh, Chi Hung |
Contributors: | 巫立宇 彭朱如 Wu, Lei-Yu Peng, Tzu Ju 謝其宏 Hsieh, Chi Hung |
Keywords: | 代工 自創品牌 策略行銷4C OEM OBM Strategic Marketing 4C |
Date: | 2011 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-30 10:10:09 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 縱觀台灣過去產業發展史,多數公司由代工起家,歷經多年的經驗,擁有優異的生產製造能力。當中國大陸躍升為世界工廠後,其低廉的生產成本競爭優勢,讓外國的大廠趨之若鶩,於是台灣企業開始思考如何不再靠賺取微薄代工利潤來經營,而是藉由自創品牌來提升自己的競爭力。然而,自創品牌的想法固然不錯,但是能夠真正將品牌經營成功的企業卻是少數。其中,台灣製鞋業受到中國大陸低廉的生產成本所影響,導致許多製鞋廠倒閉或是轉往其他國家設廠以求生存。本研究的個案對象就是當初因成本壓力,因而前往中國大陸設廠的製鞋企業─達芙妮。 本研究文獻探討著重在三個部分:品牌、代工與自創品牌、策略行銷4C理論。利用邱志聖(2006)策略行銷4C的四大構面:外顯單位效益成本、資訊搜尋成本、道德危機成本及專屬陷入成本,來研究中國大陸女鞋領導品牌達芙妮。本研究將達芙妮的發展軌跡分為五階段,分別為全代工、品牌草創、自建通路、品牌滲透、品牌擴張等五個時期。透過策略行銷4C架構,分析各階段具體作為的策略意涵,並歸納各階段發展的側重點,研究實務個案與理論架構之異同。 本研究歸納出以下結論:一、全代工時期的關鍵在於解決外顯單位效益成本。達芙妮透過及早轉移生產基地,降低生產成本,成功獲得客戶的訂單;二、品牌自創時期的關鍵在於解決資訊搜尋成本。達芙妮藉由舉辦展銷會與積極參展,成功吸引通路商願意銷售產品給最終消費者;三、品牌自建通路期的關鍵在於解決資訊搜尋成本。達芙妮減少透過通路商銷售,而是靠自建通路直接與最終消費者接觸。四、品牌滲透期的關鍵在於解決外顯單位效益成本與資訊搜尋成本。達芙妮透過建立配銷中心、整合設計團隊及密集展店方式,達到深耕市場的目標。五、品牌擴張期的關鍵在於解決外顯單位效益成本。將自己定位於流行產業的達芙妮,提供多樣化產品滿足消費者日新月異的需求。
關鍵字:代工、自創品牌、策略行銷4C When viewing industry development history in Taiwan, most companies started from original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and have developed manufacturing capability. When China became world factories because of its low cost competitive advantage, a lot of companies transferred their factories to China. As a result, Taiwan’s companies started to change the business model from OEM to OBM to earn more profit. Many companies in Taiwan’s shoe industry were impacted by low cost competitive advantage in China, and thus they went into bankruptcy or transferred factories to other countries to survive. The case “DAPHNE” in the study was the shoe company pressured by production cost and transferred factories to China at that time.
Literature review in the study has three parts: brand, OEM&OBM, Strategic Marketing 4C theory. Utilizing Chiu’s (2006) Strategic Marketing 4C framework examines China leading female shoe company DAPHNE. The study separates development track of DAPHNE into five stages: OEM, brand introduction, construction of stores, brand penetration, brand expansion. Using Strategic Marketing 4C framework understands strategic meaning in key strategies, summarizes key action in each stage, and examines the difference between reality and theory. The research shows following conclusions: First, the key success factor in OEM stage is that DAPHNE transferred its factories as soon as possible to decline production cost to get orders; Second, the key success factor in brand introduction stage is that DAPHNE attracted dealer by holding trade fairs to sell products to end users; third, the key success factor in construction of stores is that DAPHNE built direct selling stores to communicate with end users; fourth, the key success factor in brand penetration is that DAPHNE built distributor centers, integrated design teams, and expanded stores intensively to penetrate China market; fifth, the key success factor in brand expansion is that DAPHNE provided various products to fulfill consumers’ diverse demands.
Key Words: OEM, OBM, Strategic Marketing 4C |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所 99355007 100 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0099355007 |
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