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    Title: 臺灣公眾外交的策略與實踐:以臺灣獎學金計畫為例
    The strategy and practice of Taiwan`s Public diplomacy: A case study of the Taiwan scholarship program
    Authors: 周容卉
    Contributors: 黃奎博
    Keywords: 公眾外交
    public diplomacy
    soft power
    Taiwan Scholarship Program
    international educational exchanges
    government scholarship
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-10-24 16:16:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在21世紀的國際關係中,全球事務的複雜性提高,跨國民眾間的互動愈趨頻繁,以國家為中心的傳統外交思維逐漸出現轉變。各國的外交政策也更強調跨文化間的對話與互動,及建立跨國人際關係網絡的重要性。而公眾外交的作用即在於藉由影響他國民眾或菁英份子的認知與觀感,進而在目標國家內部形塑對本國有利的政策環境,遂成為各國政府制定對外政策時的重要工具,更是當前相當熱門的國際關係研究主題。近年來,我國政府也開始透過多樣化的途徑來推動公眾外交,希望提升國家形象以期能增加臺灣的國際能見度。其中,國際教育交流不僅能夠提供國際青年學子相互交往的機會,促使外籍學生以最直接的方式認識臺灣,甚至能建立他國民眾與我國的長期情感聯繫,被認為是最有效的推動途徑之一。在這樣的研究背景及政策環境基礎上,本文將以「臺灣獎學金計畫」作為研究主軸,並針對計畫受獎生進行問卷調查,進而評估政府獎學金計畫推動公眾外交的成效,同時也將釐清「臺灣獎學金計畫」在我國公眾外交上扮演何種角色。

    International relations in 21st Century has shown the features of highly complexity of global affairs and frequently interaction among cross-borders people; therefore, traditional diplomacy has changed into modern face accordingly. Nowadays, the governments tend to emphasize the dialogues and linkages of relationship between different cultures in foreign policy. The purpose of public diplomacy is to influence opinion in target countries to make it easier for the government to achieve its aims. For this reasons, public diplomacy has become an essential element of many countries foreign policy and a popular research area in the IR studies. Taiwanese Government has implemented public diplomacy in various approaches in order to improve the Taiwan images on the world stages. Among all the approaches of public diplomacy, international educational exchanges can not only let international students experience Taiwan in person, but also facilitate inter-cultural communication and build the long-lasting relationships between Taiwan. Based on the above-mentioned reasons, this article takes the Taiwan Scholarship Program as a study case in order to analyze of the role of the program in Taiwan’s public diplomacy. This study empirically investigates the outcomes of the Taiwan Scholarship Program by conducting the questionnaire for the Taiwan Scholarship grantees, who are studying in Taiwan during 2011-2012.

    To sum up, this article manages to extensively retrospect the development of public diplomacy in the international relations and capture the core elements of public diplomacy under different ages. Besides, in order to provide theoretical bases for public diplomacy, the article tries to put soft power, systemic theory, and structuralism into discussions. Furthermore, the study dedicates to illustrate its policy goals from the practices of Taiwan’s public diplomacy and compare the Taiwan Scholarship Program with other prestigious government scholarship in world as well. Finally, the study indicates that the Taiwan Scholarship Program plays an important role in Taiwan’s public diplomacy, particularly because face-to face contact between grantees and Taiwanese people helps diminish the stereotypes and increase the mutual understanding.
    Reference: 壹、中文部分

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