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    Title: 想像的強壯身體與脆弱身體-從STS的觀點看台灣棒球投手調度觀念的演進
    Frangible or strong in imagination -the process of history of baseball Pitcher`s rotation in Taiwan
    Authors: 林奕志
    Lin, Yi Chih
    Contributors: 苗延威
    Lin, Yi Chih
    Keywords: 投手
    rotation of baseball pitcher
    Actor Network Theory
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2012-10-24 16:15:51 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究耙梳1950年代至2010年台灣棒球投手調度觀念的演進,並試圖解釋其演進的過程。本研究著重在投手調度觀念的演進過程,及相關團體因不同的利益考量進行的角力。這些利益的角力形成台灣的投手調度策略的現況。從時代上來說,本研究以1970年代少棒旋風、1990年中華職棒成立、2000年前後開啟的球員旅外潮來劃分投手調度觀念演進的時代。本研究認為,這幾個不同年代發生的重要歷史事件對台灣棒球造成的影響,深刻地影響了投手調度觀念的演進,並證明投手調度/保護觀念並不僅是醫學觀念的單純引進與發揚過程。這過程其實是支持與反對的團體對詮釋權的爭奪戰。本演研究將兩方的邏輯劃分為「脆弱投手邏輯」和「強壯投手邏輯」。目前「脆弱投手邏輯」之所以能在台灣職業棒球領域中獲得上風,關鍵性的原因在於它與「棒球數據派」的成功結盟,借用其強大的說服力取得詮釋論戰上的優勢。反之,在三級棒球的領域,也因為「棒球數據派」的介入程度較低,使「脆弱投手邏輯」的拓展遭遇困難。

    本研究的主要架構是以行動者網絡理論(Actor- Networking Theory)為基礎,試圖以關涉在此一網絡裡主要行動者的結盟與角力作為投手調度觀念演進的解釋。
    This study explores the process of baseball pitcher policy in Taiwan. The process showed a long but significant change in pitcher policy, and made the loading of pitcher decrease.

    The process continued more than 40 years and there were three important historic events in it. The first was the “Youth Baseball Period” in 1970’s. The second was the professionalization of Taiwan baseball in 1990. And the third was the “Traveling Outside Period” in 2000’s, which made lots of excellent players travelled to America or Japan.

    This research analyzed the process carefully, and found that the change of pitcher didn’t base on the progress of medicine, although we usually think it was. The study found that the change based on the interest of groups which involved in the network. Some groups supported decreasing the loading of pitcher, some opposed. All they concerned about were their own interest.

    This research analyzed the process by Actor-Networking Theory (ANT) and found a key-factor which determined the pitcher policy. The factor was Sabermetrics, which means people who believe baseball statistics can express more “reality” in baseball game. They also believe statistics can tell more than just watching game in court.

    The Sabermetrics finally combined their interest with groups which supported decreasing the pitcher loading, and caused the pitcher policy tend to decrease the pitcher loading at present.
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