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Title: | 依法行政與公共服務品質之權衡:以臺北市大安區戶政事務所為例 Weighing factors of administration pursuant to law and public service quality:The Case Study of Daan Household Registration Office,Taipei City |
Authors: | 洪旭良 |
Contributors: | 江明修 洪旭良 |
Keywords: | 依法行政 公共服務品質 權衡 |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2012-10-24 15:50:02 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究最主要之目的乃探討依法行政要求在公務人員為民服務過程產生的影響與改善的策略。以臺北市大安區戶政事務所為個案,進行實證研究。本研究根據個案進行研究結果與分析討論後之發現,從認知、權衡原因、民眾之評價、影響及認知落差之情況及改善策略分別整理出其結論。 一、就「依法行政」與「公共服務品質」之認知: (一) 依法行政是人民與政府間共同認知的最小公約數 (二) 公共服務品質的認知已隨時代演變,而有所提升 二、「依法行政」與「公共服務品質」之間權衡因素: (一) 權衡因素以是否造成損害為優先考量。 (二) 是否具有裁量權是權衡關鍵。 (三) 在不可歸責事由的情況下,採取對民眾有利之公共服務。 三、專業程度與權宜方式會影響民眾對服務品質之評價:若戶政人員不知有其他法規之權宜方式,而令民眾感到專業性不足,民眾亦有可能給予不滿意之評價。 四、「依法行政」對「公共服務品質」之影響 從正面影響來看:(一)避免違法亂紀,穩定公共服務品質、(二)放心提供服務、(三)提供完整資訊,減少抱怨情緒、(四)創造雙贏。 從負面影響來看:(一)期望落差而產生質疑及不滿、(二)僵化與冷酷無情之誤解、(三)法令不合時宜或限制過多時,無法積極保障民眾利益、(四)法令多如牛毛,民眾難以完全瞭解法令所有規定。 五、「公共服務品質」落差因素與改善策略 (一)從民眾本身之因素來看,落差會因為:1.因不能辦理而情緒失控、2.無法提出法定證明文件、3.涉及其他機關申請案件的壓力因素,而受到影響。在改善策略上:政府亦應透過多種管道建立民眾尊重公務人員之觀念,增加公務人員投入的動機與熱忱。主動為民眾向上級機關請示或建議准許民眾之請求。 (二)從戶政機關之因素來看,落差會因為:政策因素、戶役政資訊系統設定因素而有影響。在改善策略上:透過教育訓練公務人員在溝通過程中,為民眾設法尋求可行之方式。 The main purpose of the study is to explore influence and the improvement strategy generated by administration pursuant to law in the process of requesting public servants to serve citizens. This empirical research is conducted with Household Registration Office, Daan District, Taipei City as a case.After conducting a research and having an analysis discussion pursuant to a case, the study separately arranges conclusion from cognition, weighing reason, appraisal, influence and cognition drop of the common people and improvement strategy. 1. Cognition of “administration pursuant to law” and “public service quality”: (1) Administration pursuant to law is the maximum common divisor of common cognition between citizens and the government. (2) Cognition of public service quality has risen with times evolution. 2. Weighing factors of “administration pursuant to law” and “public service quality”: (1) The weighing factor takes whether to cause damage into prior consideration. (2) Discretion is critical to weighing. (3) Under circumstances of not attributable particulars of a matter, adopt public service beneficiary to the common people. 3. The professional extent and way of weighing will influence appraisal of the common people to service quality: If household registration personnel does not know weighing way of other regulations to as to make the common people feel insufficiency of profession, the common people may also give an unsatisfied appraisal. 4. Influence of “administration pursuant to law” and “public service quality”: In the view of positive influence: (1) avoid breach of law and disturbance to discipline to stabilize public service quality, (2) provide service at ease, (3) provide complete information to release complaint emotion, and (4) create a win-win situation. In the view of negative influence: (1) an expectant drop generates query and dissatisfaction, (2) misunderstanding of petrifaction and grim apathy, (3) an ordinance is out of date or has too many limits and is unable to aggressively secure benefit of the common people, (4) an ordinance is so many as the hairs on an ox that the common people have difficulty in completely understanding all the regulations of it. 5. Drop factor and improvement strategy of “public service quality”: (1) From factor of the common people per se, a drop is influenced by: 1. emotion out of control on account of inability to transact, 2. inability to present legal certification document, and 3. involvement in the pressure factor of applying for a case by other agencies. In an improvement strategy, the government shall establish the concept that the common people respect public servants via many kinds of channel to add to motivation and enthusiasm involved of public servants. Instruct automatically to a higher authority for the common people or suggest approving their request. (2) From the factor of household registration, a drop is influenced by a policy factor and setting of household registration information system. In an improvement strategy, public servants get to search for feasible ways for the common people in the process of communication via educational training. |
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