Abstract: | 組織的運作越來越仰賴團隊合作,然而,團隊整體表現並不必然優於個別成員獨自 工作表現的總和。團隊設計特性如:任務相依性、目標特性、酬賞制度等,均可能使得 個人對於團隊任務的努力動機低於獨立作業,亦即出現保留努力傾向,進而影響個人的 工作表現,形成團隊的「動機性損失」。另方面,團隊成員間彼此瞭解不足、協調不佳, 亦將使得團隊成員的經驗與能力無法充分發揮,產生「協調性損失」,進而影響團隊的 整體績效。組織為了降低「協調性損失」,在團隊設計上亦必須慎思,包括前述之任務 相依性、目標特性、酬賞制度等。而這些團隊設計特性對於「動機性損失」、「協調性損 失」之影響方向不盡相同,有深入剖析之必要。此外,有效降低「協調性損失」之團隊 歷程如:互動記憶系統、凝聚力等協調機制,亦可能經由影響個人認知而降低「動機性 損失」,而成為團隊設計特性影響個人工作表現之另一間接路徑,抑或對個人層次影響 路徑產生干擾效果。因此,必須以多層次觀點,進行整合性的分析與探究。 本研究將以兩個子研究,探討團隊設計特性如何提升成員努力、促進協調合作,進 而提升個人表現與團隊績效,以結合團隊和個人不同層次的理論:1.於個人層次分析團 隊設計特性對個人工作表現之影響路徑,探討知覺公平性、保留努力傾向等個人認知、 動機因素之中介效果;2.於團隊層次分析團隊設計特性對團隊整體績效之影響路徑,探 討互動記憶系統、凝聚力等團隊協調機制之中介效果;3.以跨層次分析,探討團隊層次 的協調機制對於個人認知、動機與表現之影響,以及團隊層次對個人層次影響路徑的干 擾效果。 Task design features such as task interdependence, goal setting, and reward system that may facilitate either group-level cognitive system and social environment fostering coordination and cooperation in teams, which in turn, influence group performance or individual-level perception and motivation, and then, enhance individual performance in team. At individual level, we propose that these design features may influence perception of justice and propensity to withhold effort (PWE), which in turn, affect team member』s performance. At team level, we propose that these design features may effectively shape the transactive memory system (TMS) and group cohesion, consequently influence team performance. Also, we explore these group-level variables may have multi-and cross- level moderating effects on individual perceptions and behaviors. Study 1 proposes an individual-level process model linking perceived team design features to team member』s performance. For instance, task interdependence may increase the frequency of interpersonal interaction providing member』s understanding with one another and the familiarity of the structure in teams, that enhance the perceived justices, such as distributive and procedural constituents, and mitigate the motivational loss, PWE, and, consequently, result in higher performance. Structural equation modeling was adopted to investigate hypotheses among variables of interest. Study 2 emphasizes on group level processes model from team design features to group performance. For example, team-level task interdependence may shape the shared team mental (transactive memory system) promoting knowledge sharing and diffusion, and affective bond among team members (group cohesiveness) fostering interpersonal and task coordination and cooperation, which in turn, affect the group performance as a whole. In addition, we also propose a multilevel model to examine main and moderating effect of team design features, transactive memory system, and group cohesiveness on team members』 justice perception and PWE. Moreover, we explore possible mediating effect of perception and motivation between group level constructs and individual performance. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to explore these hypotheses regarding multilevel issues. |