Abstract: | 氣候變遷(Climate Change)對於全球環境與經濟的影響,在近年來已在生活中造成許 多重大的考驗。許多國家(包括開發中國家)已經開始期重視環境規範,並擬訂執行方案 (UNCTAD , 2010),研究也證實地主國體制因素與環境規範策略影響對於外資的吸引力 (Rugman and Verbeke, 1998b; Dikova and Witteloostuijn, 2007)。然而,哪些是能讓國家 兼顧環境規範與持續吸引外資的體制因素?而影響不同經濟發展程度國家的體制因素 是否相同或相異?,在目前依然是待解之謎(Pajunen, 2008)。 其次,廠商順從體制規範時,影響廠商落實其環保承諾的因素有哪些?最後,廠商 面對國際環境規範時,廠商會因其經濟利益之考量,而採取不同的回應策略,並且廠商 會據此發展出不同基礎的能力(Rugman and Verbeke, 1998c)。然而,實務上廠商將如何去 回應國際環境規範的壓力?且在回應時,發展出何種獨特的能力或優勢?本研究將以收 集次級資料進行實證研究,以及透過個案研究的方式逐一探討上述研究問題。 本研究預期對學術上的貢獻,首先,找出具有影響力的體制因素,以彌補既有文獻 在解釋外資流入與國家環境績效兩者關係的不足。其次,驗證影響廠商落實其環境承諾 的因素為何,以了解文獻上對於廠商的環境承諾與廠商實際行為兩者的關係。最後,本 研究將回應Rugman and Verbeke (1998c)的概念性文章,以個案研究的方式,實際了解廠 商面對國際環境規範壓力的回應策略,以及了解廠商採取回應策略時所發展出的獨特能 力為何。在實務意涵上,本研究將對政府與廠商在環境保護議題提出建議。 Climate Change affects global environment and economic systems and has caused major problems to people’s life. To cope with these challenges, many countries, including developing countries, have devoted efforts to develop and implement environmental regulations (UNCTAD, 2010). Researches have shown that institutional factors and environmental regulation strategy in a country impact its attractiveness to inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI)(Rugman and Verbeke, 1998b; Dikova and Witteloostuijn, 2007). Which institutional factors, however, may enhance a country’s ability to counter the balance between environmental regulations and its attractiveness to FDI? Also, do these institutional factors exert the same impact on FDI for countries in different stages of development (Pajunen, 2008)? These are the questions deserve serious investigation. In addition, when firms abide by institutional requirements, it is still unclear which factors explain their efforts in taking more actions to illustrate their environmental commitments. Finally, we know that firms may adopt different strategies to deal with the pressures of national environmental regulation strategy. However, we have limited knowledge on know how firms really act in responding to these pressures. Another related question is, after taking these actions, what kind of firm-specific capabilities or advantages firms may develop? This study intends to address these questions by using secondary data for statistical analyses as well as case for exploratory studies. The contributions of the study are several. First, the institutional factors affecting the relationship between inflow of FDI and a country’s environmental performance will be identified. Second, we will find out the factors conducive to firms efforts in fulfilling their environmental commitments. Third, echoing the plea of Rugman and Verbeke (1998c), we will examine how firms really did in responding to environmental challenges and what kind of firm-specific capabilities or advantages were derived associated with these actions. And finally, implications to governments and firms in dealing with environmental issues will be proposed. |