题名: | 冷戰後俄國軍售蘇愷戰機之研究:1992-2011 The Study of Russian Sukhoi Fighter Sales after Cold War:1992-2011 |
作者: | 王洪謙 Wang, Hung Chien |
贡献者: | 王定士 王洪謙 Wang, Hung Chien |
关键词: | 普欽 中國 美國 印度 中東 軍售 對外政策 國家安全 Su-27 Su-30 蘇霍 航空 軍工複合體 Putin China America India Middle East arms sale foreign policy national security Su-27 Su-30 Sukhoi aviation military industrial complex |
日期: | 2011 |
上传时间: | 2012-04-17 09:29:23 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 由於蘇聯的解體導致冷戰結束,原本由東西兩方所撕裂的世界對立已然消 失,正所謂「飛鳥盡,良弓藏,狡兔死,走狗烹」,原本用來阻止敵對勢力侵犯的軍隊自然面臨大量裁軍與刪除鉅額預算的困境。這種情況在冷戰剛結束後的世界各國皆如此,美國四個軍種都各自終止諸多高科技武器的研發項目,並大量裁減軍隊規模,歐洲亦然,而俄國的情況更惡劣,金融方面不僅缺乏稅收,盧布也巨幅貶值,不僅軍隊的薪餉無法發放,連裁退老舊武器的資金都還得靠西方國家資助,俄國軍隊面對前所未遇的巨大難關。 同時,俄國的軍工複合體也缺乏資金,面臨無以為繼的情況。不過此時有 個巨星從破敗的俄國軍工複合體中出現,就是-Su-27 家族戰機。 由上述假設命題衍生出來下列邏輯相關的子命題: (一)為何蘇愷戰機能得到冷戰後國際軍火市場的青睞? (二)冷戰後外銷蘇愷戰機所得之外匯對於俄國經濟有何影響? (三)冷戰後外銷蘇愷戰機所得之外匯對於俄國航空工業之影響為何? (四)蘇愷戰機的外銷在冷戰後的俄國對外政策中扮演何種角色? (五)綜合以上,可得到什麼結論? Su-27 家族戰機是蘇聯在解體之前所完成開發的兩種第四代戰機之一,而且Su-27 家族是屬於重型戰機分類,所以無論在航程、武裝搭載量上都遠勝輕型戰機甚多,同時又因為Su-27 的先天不穩定設計,使Su-27 家族的機動性大幅提高,更重要的是Su-27 家族來自幣值與消費水準相對低的俄國,使的造價也相對低廉,再者,俄國相對於美國在出售武器方面的政治限制也較低,在以上諸多因素的交互作用之下,Su-27 便暢銷世界,成為冷戰後俄國軍工產業對外軍售最成功的產品之一,俄國軍機產業也因此保存了下來。因此本文將探討為何Su-27 能在如此艱困的大環境下還能如此逆勢成長。 The collapse of the Soviet Union means the Cold War ends. The opposition between the East and the West had been disappeared. There is so called " when the fish is caught , the net is laid aside." So all the arming forces of each country were facing the reduction inquantity and in the budget. For example, all types of American arming forces were ended a lot of R&D plans and disarmament, and the European countries were facing the same situation. In Russia, the situation became much worse than the West. Not only lack of financial taxes support, the depreciation of the ruble was also huge. Let the salary of the military troopers could not be issued. And the Russian government was also lack ofmoney to retire the expired weapons. Russian troops faced an unprecedented dilemma. Meanwhile, the military industrial complex of Russia was also lack of funds. Butthere was a super star rising from the ashes, it was the Su-27 Flanker family. This thesis will explore why the Su-27 family could become one of the best-selling fighters of the world in the post-Cold War period. Propositions derived from the above assumptions the following logical propositions: (A) Why the Sukhoi fighters could be one of the best-selling fighters in the international arms market in the post-Cold War period? (B) The foreign exchange earnings from the selling the Sukhoi fighters brings what kind of influence to the Russian economy? (C) The foreign exchange earnings from the selling the Sukhoi fighters brings what kind of influence to the Russian aviation industry? (D) The export of the Sukhoi fighters in the post-Cold War plays what kind of role in the Russian foreign policy? (E) What can we conclude from the above questions? The Su-27 Flanker family belongs to the class of heavy fighter, it has high performance and less cost compare to the Western products. And the most important is, Russia could sell it to all countries which wants to buy it. Russian government realized the potential political power of the Su-27 family so it decided to put it into the international arms market. The interaction between government and the technicaladvantage of the Su-27 family makes the Su-27 family become one of the best-selling fighters in the world. |
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