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Title: | 混合式學習應用於行政學教學之研究:以公務倫理為主題 Pedagogical applications of blended learning to public administration – a teaching quasi-experiment on ethics |
Authors: | 謝佳安 |
Contributors: | 蕭乃沂 謝佳安 |
Keywords: | 混合式學習 行政學 公務倫理 教學方法 |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2012-04-17 09:21:47 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 各國投入經費與心力推廣數位學習的理念,重視資訊科技運用於教育與學習的發展,期能運用資訊科技的優勢發展更具有學習成效的教學模式。在數位學習蓬勃發展的系絡之下,混合式學習同時普遍運用於高等教育領域中。而公共行政學為公共行政領域的基礎課程,如何將混合式學習應用於行政學的教學,以營造一個有意義的教學與學習互動環境,為本研究所欲探究的焦點。本研究希望瞭解運用數位學習平台的混合式學習在行政學的運用情形,並聚焦於學生的學習成效,並就行政學主要涉及的主題探究適合的教學方法以及其與數位學習平台的相關搭配。 本研究採用準實驗設計,並以深度訪談與參與觀察為輔,選擇公務倫理主題的大學部行政學討論課研究場域,以瞭解實施公務倫理主題的混合式學習對於行政學修課學生的影響。此外,本研究同時對於博士班助教與行政學授課教師進行深度訪談,以瞭解混合式學習運用於行政學的情形與教學方法。 本研究以公務倫理為主題的混合式學習準實驗結果顯示,相較於傳統的面對面教學方法,相較於控制組,實驗組學生在公務倫理認知、學習歷程與學習成果三大面向普遍具有較高的學習成效與表現。再者,訪談結果顯示混合式學習運用於行政學,其先決條件包括授課教師使用平台的行為、學校本身給予授課教師的資源以及完善的評量設計與規劃;配合條件包括學生與教師的共同參與、師生間的良好互動、學習者自主學習的意願、授課教師對於平台的高度回應性與平台設計的友善性。授課教師將數位學習平台運用於行政學,使用的功能主要包括教學資料的上傳與下載、討論區、作業區以及發送群組信。就其對於師生造成的影響而言,包括提升學習成效、促進師生間的互動、提升作業繳交機制的公平性、提供教學方面的輔助、增進對內的知識管理與對外的知識分享以及造成師生課程準備的負擔。由於授課教師對於行政學具有不同的教學理念,因此採取不同的教學 方法,基本上可分為講授搭配考試與多元化教學。 根據以上研究發現,本研究也依據不同對象提出行政學的實務建議。就開授行政學的大專校院而言,包括支持混合式學習的理念與提供混合式學習的資源;就授課教師而言,包括對於實施角色扮演法的建議、完善規劃混合式學習的課程設計、提升學生使用數位學習平台的誘因與保持師生間的良好互動;以及就學生而言,培養使用數位學習平台的習慣與訓練高度的自主學習能力。 Many countries invest money and effort in e-learning to achieve better learning effects. Blended learning, in the same vein, has been commonly adopted in higher education. Introductory course of public administration is one of the core curricula in the field of Public Administration. Hence, the study aims to explore whether and how applying blended learning may improve students’ learning effects and, in general, teaching methods suitable for other courses in the field of Public Administration. The study mainly uses quasi-experiment coupled with in-depth interviews and field observations. A public administration seminar on ethics in a university was selected as the teaching field for the experiment. The impacts applying blended learning to ethics were measured on students who take public administration. Moreover, the study conducted in-depth interviews on teachers, their teaching assistants to facilitate the measurement process of applying blended learning in the teaching field. Quasi-experiment results drawn from applying blended learning to ethics show that students in the experimental group have superior learning effects in ethics cognition, learning process and learning outcomes, compared with the traditional face-to-face instruction and the control group. Furthermore, interview results indicate that the prerequisite conditions include use of web-based technology, resource from college and deliberate course design that make blended learning go smoothly. Successful blended learning also needs participation both from teachers and students, as well as their good interaction such as learners’ active learning, teachers’ responsiveness to web-based technology and its user-friendliness. The functions of web-based technology commonly used in applying blended learning to public administration are as follows: to upload and download teaching material, online discussion, assignment and group emails. And the impacts on teacher and students include improved learning effects, extensive interaction, promoting fairness of assignment hand-in, teaching support, strengthening knowledge management and sharing which may lead to teacher and students’ loadings. Besides, the teachers with different teaching philosophy adopt different teaching methods. The previous findings contribute to pedagogical suggestions on public administration in practice. Firstly, the colleges with the Public Administration program should support blended learning and provide related resources. Secondly, the teachers may attempt to conduct role-play, deliberately design blended learning courses, and provide students’ incentives to use web-based technology. The students, lastly, should keep using web-based technology and pursue active self-learning.
Keywords: Blended learning, Public Administration, Ethics, Pedagogy, E-learning |
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