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    Title: 全球化浪潮下的民族國家:衝擊與回應
    Nation-States in Globalization: Impacts and Responses
    Authors: 唐玉禮
    Tang, Yu Li
    Contributors: 邵宗海
    Tang, Yu Li
    Keywords: 全球化
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2012-04-17 09:21:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 民族主義在19世紀末到20世紀中期發威,民族國家在第二次大戰後成為國際社會的主流政治組織,聯合國為維持國際和平與安全,訂定憲章,其中具重要關鍵的是具有領土性與排他性的主權原則,確立民族國家成為國際社會的基本單位。民族國家對內制訂國家根本大法-憲法建立起憲政秩序,主權在民,憲法不僅保障人民權利義務,並賦予政府執行主權賦予之職權,在其領土之內運用國家資源發展國民經濟、繁榮社會與福國利民。


    Nationalism started being influential from the end of 19th century to the middle of 20th century. The political organization as nation-state becomes the mainstream of international society after World War II. In order to maintain international peace and security, United Nations established the Charter of the United Nations. The most important part is the sovereign principal involved territorial integrity and inviolability. Sovereignty makes the nation-state become the basic unit in international society. Nation-states established constitution to maintain the order and popular sovereignty. Constitutions not only protect people’s rights, but also give the government the power to execute its authority. Within the territory, government can utilize its resources to develop economy, enrich the society and create benefit for its people.
    However, after World War II , small and medium countries in Europe and Asia want to develop economic growth and protect national security. Therefore, especially for the clear tendency of globalization in 1980s, small and medium countries gain the cooperate experience from regional security and business cooperation to meet the changes and needs from the world.
    This thesis uses the case studies of European Unions and ASEAN, nationalist approach and research methods of history to argue the main topic in three aspects of sovereignty and government, sovereign and territory, sovereignty and people. The main idea is to discuss how nation-state uses regional integration to respond the impact of economic globalization and other impacts on internet and the crisis of ecological environment.
    This study discovered that the EU members have transferred parts of sovereignty to EU, but the power of final policy-making is still in every country’s hand; as for ASEAN, decision-making is still among intergovernmental meetings. The same part in both EU and ASEAN is that both of them gain more ability to survive under the wave of globalization and obtain more chips in international negotiation by the experience of regional integration,
    In short, nation-state will not lose sovereignty through regionalization to respond the challenge of globalization. Sovereignty of nation-sates does not decrease but lasts forever. Beyond the regional integration, it is nation-state that maintain the quality and effectiveness of the internet services. As for the issue of ecological environment, it depends on the interdependence of each country, the multilateral cooperation system of the United Nations and negotiations among countries. We cannot deny that if the exclusiveness and violence of sovereignty can be modified reasonably, it will be friendlier to the ecological environment.
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