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    Title: 「健康、性格、習慣量表(HPH)」 A、B、D類量尺的臨床效度探討
    Authors: 張至恒
    Chang, Chih Heng
    Contributors: 許文耀
    Hsu, Wen Yau
    Chang, Chih Heng
    Keywords: 健康、性格、習慣量表(HPH)
    Health, Personality, and Habit Test (HPH)
    test validity
    major depressive disorder (MDD)
    anxiety disorder
    obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
    Date: 2011
    Issue Date: 2012-04-17 09:15:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討「健康、性格、習慣量表(HPH)」的臨床效度。HPH最初是由柯永河教授(民84)編製,後來廣泛使用在國內臨床場域中。發展至今已有中上程度的信效度支持,但過去較缺乏臨床上區辨與構念效度的研究,因此本研究旨在探討HPH區辨不同疾患的能力,以及以臨床疾患為受試時量尺之構念效度。
    本研究回顧國內外類似測驗─MMPI、KMHQ、MCMI─的發展軌跡,並參照前人作法來進行HPH的臨床區辨效度研究。初步以臨床場域中常見的精神分裂症、重鬱症、低落型情感疾患、焦慮疾患,共257名患者為受試。先以共變數分析(ANCOVA)探討控制人口與臨床變項後,不同疾患組別在HPH的A、B、D類量尺的影響。再進一步使用羅吉斯迴歸(logistic regression)探討哪些量尺及其組合可以區辨兩兩疾患間的差異。最後,本研究也進行HPH的探索性因素分析(exploratory factor analysis),以檢驗其臨床上的因素結構。
    The purpose of this study is to examine the clinical validity of the Health, Personality, and Habit Test (HPH). The HPH was developed by Dr. Yung-Ho Ko in 1995, and has been widely used in clinical settings. The HPH has demonstrated appropriate reliability and validity, but little research has been done on its differential and construct validity in the clinical settings. Therefore, the aim of this study is to explore the HPH’s ability to differentiate between disorders and its construct validity in clinical context.
    This research reviewed the developments of similar tests, such as MMPI, KMHQ, and MCMI, and examined validity of the HPH with the same methods. Subjects were 257 patients who suffered from common disorders in clinical settings, including schizophrenia, major depression, dysthymia, and anxiety disorders. ANCOVA was first used to explore whether different disorders have an effect on category A, B, and D scales after controlling demographic and clinical variables. Next, logistic regression was used to clarify which scales and combinations can differentiate between two of four disorders. Finally, exploratory factor analysis was conducted to examine the structure of HPH in clinical setting.
    The results of ANCOVA showed that the differences of schizophrenia scale (A1), manic scale (A2), depression/suicide scales (A3, B4, & A4), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) scale (B5), and psychological function and health scales (D1, D3, D4, D5, D6) were partly consistent with assumptions, supporting the differential validity of HPH. The results of logistic regression analysis also supported the validity of A1, A3, B4, and B5 scales. More specifically, A1 was able to differentiate schizophrenia from any other three disorders, A3 was able to differentiate MDD from schizophrenia and anxiety disorders, B4 was able to differentiate dysthymia from schizophrenia, and B5 was able to differentiate OCD from other disorders. However, none of the scales was able to differentiate MDD from dysthymia, nor were they able to differentiate dysthymia from anxiety disorders. Moreover, each of the logistic regression functions showed moderate to high correlations, and most of them achieved high overall hit rates (above 70%), providing support for the clinical differential validity of the HPH.
    As for construct validity, these factors in category A and D scales were essentially similar to original scales. Similarly, factors in category B scales were compatible to original scales though difference was found. In sum, these results lent support to the construct validity of the HPH in the clinical settings. However, refining of the scales is needed and suggestions are discussed.
    Finally, the practical uses of the findings were also discussed.
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