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Title: | 台灣地區老人安養護機構經營管理關鍵成功因素 |
Authors: | 陳立基 |
Contributors: | 黃秉德 陳立基 |
Keywords: | 老人福利機構 經營管理 關鍵成功因素 |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2012-04-17 09:12:19 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 由於經濟發展,人民生活改善,醫藥衛生的進步,使台灣地區國民的平均年齡延長,也使人口老化的速度加快。民國82年9月,65歲以上老人佔台灣地區人口數7%,己達聯合國世界衛生組織所訂的高齡化社會指標。據經建會推估,預計民國121年,將達20%,即每5位人口中,就有一位是65歲以上的老人。在對老人的照顧中,政府除了居家服務、社區照顧外,機構照顧負起了最後的一環。 由於看好未來龐大的安養護市場,許多財團或企業紛紛加入,財團法人醫院、署立、市立醫院為增加占床率,開闢護理之家、長期照護部門,使得現有安養護機構面臨更多壓力。老人安養護工作已由救濟、收容演變為銀髮產業,且由福利服務、市場自由競爭進入以企業管理為導向的型態。因此,許多業者面臨體制改革與重整以順應時代,成為機構生存關鍵。 基於上述理由與考量,引發本研究從「關鍵成功因素」的觀點,深入探討老人安養護機構經營者的經營理念與管理方式,期能透過本研究,使機構業者能更清楚本身的競爭地位,進而對未來經營策略的擬定有所助益,及對有意進入者提供一個參考指標。本論文以在台灣營運績優的老人自費安養護中心為研究對象,運用文獻探討、產業分析及深度訪談找出經營老人安養護機構之關鍵成功因素。 研究結果顯示,台灣老人安養護機構關鍵成功因素共有六項 ,分別是:經營理念、工作團隊、資源、專業服務、機構負責人及地點的選擇。 Population aging in Taiwan has rapidly accelerated as the life expectancy of people in Taiwan is gradually increasing due to economic development, improved quality of life, and advancement of medicine and public health. Taiwanese aged 65 and over have accounted for more than 7% of total population since 1993, thereby making Taiwan an aging society according United Nation’s definition of “Aging Society”. It is estimated by Council of Economic Planning and Development that 20% of population, or one in five, will be aged 65 or over by 2132. Aside from home care and community care, institutional care is also gaining importance in elder care in Taiwan.
Foreseeing the immense need of elder care services in the aging society, many private companies and corporations are entering the elder-care market and competing for market share. Privatized hospitals and public-funded provincial hospitals are increasing bed occupancy, building nursing homes, and expanding units for long-term care. The existent elder-care institutions in the health industry are facing market competition more than ever. The elder care is being transited from charity welfare to silver industry, from welfare service and free market competition to business-oriented planning of strategic management. Thus, elder-care institutions are in need of restructuring and structural changes so as to succeed in the competitive market.
This study explores factors that contribute the success of elder care institutions by exploring the philosophy and style of management. So that, existent institutions can better evaluate their competitiveness in the market and strategize their management tactics; potential players can use findings from this study as reference points before entering the market. This study is conducted with assistance of literature review, and industry analysis and in-depth interview of best-run private-funded elder care institutions in Taiwan.
The findings of the study show that in Taiwan there are six critical factors for the success of elder care institutions. They are management philosophy, characteristics of the team, resourcefulness of the institutions, professionalism of staff characteristics of ownership of the institutions, and location of the institutions. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 91932017 95 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0091932017 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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