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    Title: 派翠網路運用於建構雲端服務之研究
    Using petri net for cloud computing
    Authors: 陳俊廷
    Jiun-Ting Chen
    Contributors: 陳春龍

    Chen, Chuen Lung
    Wu, Chung Min

    Jiun-Ting Chen
    Keywords: 網路服務
    Web Service
    Cloud services
    Petri Net
    knitting technique
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2012-04-17 09:11:49 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 雲端運算是近來全世界最熱門的資訊議題,任何設備只要能夠連上網路,就可以享有各種不同的網路服務,這些服務可能建置在不同的機器設備上,甚至可能在相隔遙遠的雲端裡,因此也稱之為雲端服務,在操作過程中,使用者不需要擔心服務安裝在哪裡,亦不用擔心服務如何達成,可想而知網路服務的背後,隱藏著很複雜的技術與架構。
    Cloud computing is regarded as the most popular recent ICT topic. Any equipment which can be connected to Internet can provide its user have the access to the various services, which may be built on different machines, or even may exist in the distant `clouds` far away. However, in the operating process, the user has no need to worry where the service locates, needless to say how the service operates, which means that a considerably amount of data and techniques hide behind the Web service.
    Web service is an artifical piece of art, the user and the manager can concatenate several Web services online into a bigger one according to the conditions they need, which is a considerably simple and fast developing method bringing more convenience and flexibility for the system. Nonetheless, the managerial part also becomes more complex in problems like potential infinite loops and abundant procedures, for instance. What is worse is under the circumstance of resource sharing, the deadlocks happen while pending or other factors occur. These issues will lead to severe errors while the Web service compound operates. If the system completely locks and stops, serious financial damage and loss of commercial reputation will be caused to the company. Hence the design of procedures needs to be validated and transformed as Petri Net analysis before the Web service compound operates in order to assure the accuracy and stability of the procedure design.
    Therefore, this paper uses Web service standards, turning Web services into Petri Net models with knitting technique as analytical base, to validate the accuracy and stability of the model to avoid deadlock to happen in order to enhance the reliability of the service.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0923565101
    Data Type: thesis
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