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    題名: 鄉民全都「讚」出來:初探反國光石化運動的青年網路實踐
    Everybody "Like": Exploring internet practices in youth in Anti Guo-Kuang Petroleum Plant social movement
    作者: 盧沛樺
    貢獻者: 方念萱
    Fang, Leticia

    關鍵詞: 網路社運
    cyber activism
    Society, Technology, and Science
    digital native
    media literacy
    participatory culture
    日期: 2011
    上傳時間: 2012-04-17 09:08:49 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 評估探究網路社運的研究結果紛雜,與其說結果歧出,不如重新檢視用以分析的路徑。我認為著眼於技術形式的分析路徑可能有所不足,因此,本研究切換視角,自科技與社會研究中汲取養分,從使用中科技(technology in-use)的角度切入,藉機勾勒數位科技在善於把玩者手中所形成的各色風貌,及其打造有別於傳統社運的抗爭戲碼。文中便整理多樣數位科技在社會運動中快或慢地跳脫原先功能與使用方式的情形,突顯全青盟成員是以長期的網路使用經驗為基礎,才能深具創意地將特定科技依運動階段轉換角色,或是有技巧地應運動階段帶進不同的科技,並在多元的科技間加以協調、組合,或是勝任翻譯者的角色,在運動的聲援者與網路使用者之間快速轉換,將嚴肅的運動資訊應數位平台的特色與文化裁剪為引人共鳴的文本。簡言之,用於加強社交的強勢腳本已在愛用且善用的使用者手中退位,數位科技重新以社會運動科技的姿態登場。事實上,這正反映網路世代對社會運動的想像與行動已難排除長期耽溺的網路經驗,於是,無論是社會對話、群眾串聯、組織形式均深受數位參與文化的潛移默化,開創有別於傳統的社運圖像。
    The findings of cyber activism research that focus on technical forms are diverse and confusing. Thus, I believe it is better to reexamine the way of analysis. The article uses the perspective of technology in-use which draws from Society, Technology, and Science (STS) approach to trace the dynamic of young activists using digital technologies in social movement, as well as the characteristics of contemporary internet-embedded social movements beyond traditional ones. The study shows that digital technologies have departed from original scripts in different degrees. Based on the long-term experiences of using internet, members of National Youth Alliance Against KuoKuang Petrochemical Project creatively changed roles of technologies and tactically composed multiple technologies according to the stages of movement. Moreover, they successfully reedited the campaigns which widely disseminated in digital environment based on their capacity for switching identities between activists and internet users. In short, digital technologies were originally used to strengthen human relations. The skilled users/activists of digital technologies have, however, utilized these technologies to promote social movements. In fact, as mentioned above, it also reveals that the imagination and actions of social movements by net generation cannot exclude their long-term experiences of internet use. Therefore, regardless of social dialogue, mobilization and organization structure which are critical elements of social movement, they all have been deeply influenced by digital participatory culture.
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